Originally Posted by
Geoff F
If you do try shooting without flash, Les, be careful of subject movement and wind rock. A lot of my shots end up blurred when I don't use flash. Below 1/125 I begin to run into problems even on a tripod.
It can also produce some rather bland images which require a bit of serious editing to restore the correct white balance and give the scene a bit of zip. That particularly occurs under shady conditions, while shooting without flash in sunlight can produce rather harsh shadows.
However, sometimes flash can cause more problems than it solves; so there aren't any firm 'rules' to follow. I tend to start off with flash then switch it off if I run into any difficulties.
When photographing static subjects under controlled conditions, I often let my shutter speed drop quite low on a tripod, but use cable release and sometimes mirror lock up as well. Outdoor fungi and cut flowers photographed under studio conditions and many other subjects can still work with quite slow shutter speeds.