Last edited by lovelife65; 3rd September 2017 at 05:29 PM.
Nice shot Sharon... I might have cropped it a bit tighter!
The edit is more prettier, Sharon...typical pose these two. They are both beautiful and looks like they had had a lot of fun.
'Saw a labradoodle yesterday on our way to church hanging its head far out of a car window. Hubby kept saying "Don't fall...don't fall..." and he drove a bit faster to keep up with the car. Then we saw s/he was quite safe because s/he was harnessed well.
Lovey babies The edit looks better Sharon . If the image was mine I would crop from the LHS just a little bit more and I would leave just a little more empty space on the RHS to put the babies off centre.
Izzie, LOL. Ours stay in the back of the jeep with giant "Big Barker" dog beds. No harness, very risky yes. They are beautiful, thank you. Littermates but very different, the yellow male is a huge love bomb baby, his sis is more independent (runt complex?). The old saying is a female labrador loves you, but a male labrador is IN LOVE with you. I see it. Again, it's not a great photo, but the expression were cute.
Binnur, thank you. The crop would definitely improve the framing, and somehow working on the harsh lighting would help for sure. Thank you for your kind words and suggestions.
Beautiful pups. The edit definitely looks better both lighting and crop. Nice job.
I often use a hotshoe bounce flash with dogs both indoors and outdoors. The flash will produce catchlights in the eyes but, using a reflector diffuser will prevent the green glow caused by the reflection from the retina back into the lens...
Using a diffuser reflector such as the Joe Demb Flash Diffuser Pro will allow you to use bounce flash even when there is no ceiling or wall off which to bounce.
Last edited by rpcrowe; 4th September 2017 at 11:25 PM.