I have had a CC subscription for 18 months (previously CS6). Overall happy with the product but 'uncomfortable' with the subscription.
Recently I came across Affinity by Serif. when John mentioned it. in a post.
It costs £50 ... no subscription.
It seems to have most of the features I want, including the ability to read my existing PSD layered files, and is 'structured much the way CC/CS6 is. It also seems to have all the 'bells and whistles' I'm familiar with in the Adobe package.
Since my archive of PSD files is now 'transferable' and readable in Affinity, I am now actively starting to 'learn' how to use it.
If, in 3 to 6 months, I am satisfied it gives me everything I need, I will cease my CC subscription.
(I also noted that Serif provide an alternative to Illustrator for £50.)