Need relief from hot weather! by urbanflyer, on Flickr
Need relief from hot weather! by urbanflyer, on Flickr
That should certainly provide you the badly needed relief! If you can come up with an aspect ratio that works on a note card, anyone would surely be happy to receive it.
Beautiful JudithIf you crop the empty space at the lower part and also crop a bit from the RHS, you get another beautiful image
Gorgeous image. We are still waiting for the brown air to clear here as well. Can't wait for a bit of rain.
Nicely done.
Lovely image.
So beautiful; it is emotional too![]()
Just like any human feelings, never satisfied...the Creator gives rain, they want sunshine. Then sunshine, they want snow...Snow, then wanting sunshine...Oh well...
My suggestion will be to cut the top off a little and clone out the leftover two stems and rotate the whole image together or leave it as so and increase the bottom to make the design into a notepad or something...It will be a nice shopping list too while getting out of the car in the heat of the day --something to look forward to in a few least.
You are right about never being satisfied--except when we are! We had driven many miles to go into Adobe town but the snow kept us out--now I am just tired of breathing ash from the forest fires and living with a brown sky. Looking forward to rain this weekend even tho it is our family picnic!