Well that's different.. I am going to have another look tomorrow before I comment. It's sort of growing on me.
my funky side likes it. My straight laced side says that the post on the left needs straightening
It hurts my eyes. Looking in the sky I see purple spots floating in that sky.
I liked it; may be a little lowering of vibrance would help?
Now I know why Presbyterians are different...they all resemble how Donald think, whatever he is thinking... Anyway...
John I think your house image here looks haunted...just a thought...I like it funky like that...
Gets me in the mood for Halloween. I'd crop in from the left. If it makes you happy and takes you to funky town then it's all good. I think it actually brings out the bldg. details quite singularly which is cool.
Looks a lot like what a photographer here in town does with his photos. They always make me say ouch (like a Robert Kinkaid painting does).