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Thread: Joao Silva: ‘Acting Despite Fear’

  1. #1
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    António Correia

    Joao Silva: ‘Acting Despite Fear’

    João Silva is a Portuguese photo reporter.
    Read his interview here
    Here is one of his pictures from Lens

    You said Rembrandt ?

    Joao Silva: ‘Acting Despite Fear’
    Last edited by Antonio Correia; 26th October 2010 at 02:32 PM.

  2. #2
    David's Avatar
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    Re: Joao Silva: ‘Acting Despite Fear’

    Hi Antonio - I had seen in one of our papers that a photographer had been badly injured in Afghanistan. I hadn't realised that he was a Portuguese compatriot of yours. Your post is a timely reminder of the dangers faced by photo journalists in hostile environments. For what small benefit there may be I am sure that we at CiC all express our sympathy to and admiration for Joao Silva and wish him well for recovery and the future.

    Regarding Rembrandt, I have been one to invoke his name in at least one of these threads and posts. The image shown is a brilliant example of how Rembrandt would probably have handled such an image: white balance, toning and limited palette, deep shadows and very bright highlights, let alone dramatic composition, narrative, and concealed religious context.


  3. #3
    Antonio Correia's Avatar
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    Re: Joao Silva: ‘Acting Despite Fear’

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Hi Antonio - I had seen in one of our papers that a photographer had been badly injured in Afghanistan. I hadn't realised that he was a Portuguese compatriot of yours. Your post is a timely reminder of the dangers faced by photo journalists in hostile environments. For what small benefit there may be I am sure that we at CiC all express our sympathy to and admiration for Joao Silva and wish him well for recovery and the future. Regarding Rembrandt, I have been one to invoke his name in at least one of these threads and posts. The image shown is a brilliant example of how Rembrandt would probably have handled such an image: white balance, toning and limited palette, deep shadows and very bright highlights, let alone dramatic composition, narrative, and concealed religious context. David
    Many journalists risk their lives in war scenarios.
    I am sorry for my compatriot and for all the others to whom these accidents happen.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Joao Silva: ‘Acting Despite Fear’

    Quote Originally Posted by Antonio Correia View Post
    Many journalists risk their lives in war scenarios.
    I am sorry for my compatriot and for all the others to whom these accidents happen.

    Similar storyline from a weekly newspaper which had the blaring headline "If you see a gringo with a camera, SHOOT HIM" attributed to the government in Mexico.

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