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Thread: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    I have a Toshiba Laptop X500-116, I have MS Windows7 installed and Adobe CS4. I have noticed that with Bridge open and I select EDIT >Preferences most of the text in most of the view is not viewing correctly. I have checked for updates and I am running the latest versions. Does anyone have the same problem? I am attaching a image I have snipped for you to see. The problem is I don't know what I am selecting on some of the pages - only half text visable.

    I can't think what is at fault, any help/advice will be appreciated
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  2. #2
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodarvch View Post
    I have a Toshiba Laptop X500-116, I have MS Windows7 installed and Adobe CS4. I have noticed that with Bridge open and I select EDIT >Preferences most of the text in most of the view is not viewing correctly. I have checked for updates and I am running the latest versions. Does anyone have the same problem? I am attaching a image I have snipped for you to see. The problem is I don't know what I am selecting on some of the pages - only half text visable.

    I can't think what is at fault, any help/advice will be appreciated
    Hi Nodarvch,

    My quick guess would be that you have enabled some kind of (accessibility?) screen zoom feature in Windows 7, or a font size, to enlarge words a bit for easier reading. CS4 isn't able to follow this completely and when the text gets too big to fit between two fixed screen elements (e.g. checkbox and droplist), it wraps to try to fit in the limited space.


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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    My quick guess would be that you have enabled some kind of (accessibility?) screen zoom feature in Windows 7, or a font size, to enlarge words a bit for easier reading. CS4 isn't able to follow this completely and when the text gets too big to fit between two fixed screen elements (e.g. checkbox and droplist), it wraps to try to fit in the limited space.
    That would be my guess too. Right-click on the desktop - choose "screen resolution" and then "make text and other items bigger or smaller", and make sure that you're set to 100% (default), and see if that helps.

  4. #4

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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    I have finally tried changing the screeen resolution I have tried the following three:-
    1920 x 1080 (the recommended setting)
    1200 x 900 and
    1360 x 768
    None of these changed the view in Bridge - see the pdf below.

    Any further suggestion
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  5. #5

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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodarvch View Post
    I have finally tried changing the screeen resolution I have tried the following three:-
    1920 x 1080 (the recommended setting)
    1200 x 900 and
    1360 x 768
    None of these changed the view in Bridge - see the pdf below.

    Any further suggestion
    I don't think it's a screen resolution issue - but possibly a font size issue (as per my post above). Can you confirm that your font size is set to 100%?

  6. #6

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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Hi Colin, Yes changing to a small font allow the correct view. This is nor Toshibas recommended setting in fact most text and my text on screen is so small you can't read it. It also shuffles all my desktop short cuts all over the place. Takes ages to reset again. Thanks for helping with the solution, now it's checked and set correctly I will have to increase the font size. I could not possibly use the computer with such small print. It's a shame some quick font change without so much effort could not be added as a feature. See my option shown in the pdf beloe

    Many thanks
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  7. #7

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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Glad we got it "sorted" for you. Changing the font magnification is a "quick and dirty" way of maging things bigger - but I've seen issues like this before. Probably better just to stick to 100% size, and then customise the actual point size used for fonts, although this too doesn't always work without issues.

  8. #8

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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Quote Originally Posted by Colin Southern View Post
    Glad we got it "sorted" for you. Changing the font magnification is a "quick and dirty" way of maging things bigger - but I've seen issues like this before. Probably better just to stick to 100% size, and then customise the actual point size used for fonts, although this too doesn't always work without issues.
    Thanks Colin

    I have to set at Toshiba’s default 125%. Setting to 100% makes some text very difficult to view. I don’t know how someone with poor eyesight manages with this. MS Office 2010 folders column especially when using “MS Outlook” supplied in this package has a handy slider is at the bottom of the screen to allow users to zoom (10 to 500% adjustment), but this only applies to the main document screen only. One could set the font pre-set “Larger 150%” this is better, but another down side is the desktop icons are far to big. – Can’t win. I don’t know who to blame – Toshiba or MS.

    Many thanks Colin and others who have contributed.

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Hi Nodarvch,

    I just wanted to confirm you have set the screen resolution back to the recommended 1920 x 1080, haven't you?
    It is very important (I believe), or your sharpening will be mis-judged when set and we'll see something different to what you do.

    Unfortunately, the underling problem is a no-win situation, at least without a lot of extra work in software development for minimal return.
    I encounter the same problem designing simple web forms for my work intranet., which is no different than Adobe designing this screen dialog. Basically it has to be done for a certain combination of screen resolution AND physical screen size. I have that same resolution on a 23" screen and I don't have too many problems, but on your 18.4" laptop screen, as you've found, it is too small. Now there are various options for enlarging things as we have discussed.

    When I am designing a web form in which I want a typical line of things across the screen; e.g. some words, a text entry box, some more words, a droplist and a button, some of those things usually have to be given hard coded width size and possibly position too, so now when magnification is applied, it affects only some elements; the text box. droplist and sometimes button may not change, so you run out of expansion room between the fixed items. If the screen is designed with more room between the fixed elements, on a big screen it begins to look to disjointed.

    I design for screens of typical computer resoutions plus Blackberry PDA screens, which come in widths of 320 or 480 - depending what I need to put on the page, sometimes I end up with three different layouts (for some bits of the page), just to make it usable. e.g. to fit a 320 screen, I have to put on two lines what fits on one for 480 or bigger. Now I have to go to these lengths, and although this is an extreme example, you can see where the 'extra cost for little return' I mentioned comes into play.

    Now that wasn't a cheap laptop but I think you need a second screen to work from, say 23 or 24" at the same native resolution, don't be tempted to go to more pixels resolution.

    No one said this would be a cheap hobby,
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 31st October 2010 at 09:59 AM. Reason: expanded and clarified

  10. #10

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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Hi Dave. Yes I did go back to the recommended screen resolution 1920 x 1080. I was aware of the problems with PS by not doing so. I have also a PC set-up and do have two monitors with that sysyem, this also is handy with the website work that I do as well. It's difficult to keep an eye on so many variations for photography work and websites. Building websites needs constant checking with various other programmes like Firefox etc, MS IE being the worst and is allways the one that needs special tailoring.

    As you say, it's an expensive hobby.

    Many thanks

  11. #11
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Text corrupted - Bridge CS4

    Quote Originally Posted by Nodarvch View Post
    MS IE being the worst and is allways the one that needs special tailoring.
    Tell me about it

    No actually, I have found something worse - the Blackberry server


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