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Thread: I just might need a new camera.

  1. #1

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    I just might need a new camera.

    Since I have taken up shooting the sky I find that I can easily fire off 400 or more shots in a night. My Sony Alpha a58 has already got between 10 and 15T shots clocked.

    If i buy some long glass for my a58 I will be in trouble when it wears out because the new Sony A mounts are no good for astrophotography.

    Any suggestions for a new camera lens combo under 1000US with a zoom from 150 to 600?


  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    Are you happy with the A58? If it suits you, why not just purchase an additional copy of that model. Perhaps you could find a refurbished copy...

    I know you have a Tamron 90mm Macro lens... What other equipment do you have for the A58? Would you need to change your Tamron or would you keep the A58 and Tamron lens for macro work and get another camera for your astro photos?

    Your images have really become great since you added the Tamron lens to your kit!

  3. #3

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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    Are you happy with the A58? If it suits you, why not just purchase an additional copy of that model. Perhaps you could find a refurbished copy...

    I know you have a Tamron 90mm Macro lens... What other equipment do you have for the A58? Would you need to change your Tamron or would you keep the A58 and Tamron lens for macro work and get another camera for your astro photos?

    Your images have really become great since you added the Tamron lens to your kit!
    I do like it. But it is not supported in The new Capture 1 Sony Pro.

    just the auto shutter release.

    M'Lady and I would share the a58 for her work and my macro.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    On the other hand, Sony might have solved the issue by the time you need to replace your camera. This is almost certainly a software issue, rather than a hardware one. Nikon's D810a astrophotograhy camera uses a Sony sensor.

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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    On the other hand, Sony might have solved the issue by the time you need to replace your camera. This is almost certainly a software issue, rather than a hardware one. Nikon's D810a astrophotograhy camera uses a Sony sensor.
    it is indeed a software problem. They updraded the software and introduced the "Star Eater' upgrade. Astro photographers have been asking for a fix for a while now.

  6. #6
    tao2's Avatar
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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by JBW View Post
    Since I have taken up shooting the sky I find that I can easily fire off 400 or more shots in a night. My Sony Alpha a58 has already got between 10 and 15T shots clocked.

    If i buy some long glass for my a58 I will be in trouble when it wears out because the new Sony A mounts are no good for astrophotography.

    Any suggestions for a new camera lens combo under 1000US with a zoom from 150 to 600?

    If i buy some long glass for my a58 I will be in trouble when it wears out because the new Sony A mounts are no good for astrophotography
    Hi Brian,

    A bit of a sweeping (and inaccurate) statement. It's wasn't Sony's A mount cameras which had the "Star Eater" problems , it was a firmware update on the E mount cameras. This was sorted with Firmware 4.0 update , around June this year...

    I just might need a new camera.

    Here's the full conversation from FredMiranda's site...

    Here's a less emotional and more instructive blog...

  7. #7

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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by tao2 View Post
    Hi Brian,

    A bit of a sweeping (and inaccurate) statement. It's wasn't Sony's A mount cameras which had the "Star Eater" problems , it was a firmware update on the E mount cameras. This was sorted with Firmware 4.0 update , around June this year...

    I just might need a new camera.

    Here's the full conversation from FredMiranda's site...

    Here's a less emotional and more instructive blog...

    Sweeping and inaccurate. After reading the Michael Frye blog I have to agree with you. I now have one less problem. Thanks and my apologies to the CiC members who read my post and were misled by it.

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    I suspect that the information on this site is not new to you but, I thought of you when I saw the site...

  9. #9

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    Re: I just might need a new camera.

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I suspect that the information on this site is not new to you but, I thought of you when I saw the site...
    I have looked at this site and it certainly points out the problems of trying to find the right gear. Luckily I'm in no position for a quick buy. So unless my Sony goes boom I'll have the time to do the research.

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