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Thread: Just a picture...

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Mike long

    Just a picture...

    Just hanging out side with my wife. I couldn't talk her into taking a picture so, here we go.
    Just a picture...
    I love photography.. i know I have a tremendous amount to learn but it's ok. I look forward to it. I have joined the PPA and plan on getting my CPP, or trying to. My thinking is, I have to learn something, they just don't hand it out. So.. it can only help me improve.
    What are you guys and gals thoughts on organizations like this?

  2. #2
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Just a picture...

    Were you lying on the ground, while capturing this?

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: Just a picture...

    Yeah, I laying/sitting kinda situation.

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Just a picture...

    This looks like a snapshot. Not a lot of thought or planning appears to have gone into this shot.

  5. #5

    Join Date
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    Re: Just a picture...

    Non at all... Trying to learn the iso performance of the camera. I seen an image in the gallery, there is a guy playing a guitar in the back yard and it looked amazing but seems to be some kind of long shutter speed image and that's what brought this on.
    Your pictures are amazing. I have been looking at your site and they really are.

    The pictures of the Blair Mill. Where those one exposure or did you layer them?

    I look at pictures in the gallery and am blown away! there is this one with a guy sitting on the steps drinking a glass of wine. The colors are rich and almost.. I can't even put it into words. I want to take pictures like that.
    Last edited by Evertking; 25th September 2017 at 06:05 AM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Just a picture...

    Quote Originally Posted by Evertking View Post
    Your pictures are amazing. I have been looking at your site and they really are.
    Thank you

    Quote Originally Posted by Evertking View Post
    The pictures of the Blair Mill. Where those one exposure or did you layer them?
    They are all single exposures, but with a lot of dodging and burning.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evertking View Post
    I look at pictures in the gallery and am blown away! there is this one with a guy sitting on the steps drinking a glass of wine. The colors are rich and almost.. I can't even put it into words. I want to take pictures like that.
    I'm not sure which image that is. I really need to get back and post some more recent ones there.

    I learned a long time ago that a camera can only do so much, the rest has to be done by the photographer as he or she builds the image. That is why I got into "wet" darkroom work when I was in my teens (many decades ago) and was lucky enough to have been mentored by a commercial photographer, which gave me a solid grounding and understanding in photography.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Just a picture...

    Nice shot.

  8. #8
    sachtjen's Avatar
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    Re: Just a picture...

    I love shooting blue-hour. A lot of photographers shoot before sunset and add a lot of color in post. Some of those shots look fantastic, but personally I love the rich dark skies and natural orange glow you only get after the sun has set (or before it has risen).

    Quote Originally Posted by Evertking View Post
    Trying to learn the iso performance of the camera.
    I see very little noise or motion blur. From that technical aspect, and for a blue-hour, low light photograph, I would call that a success.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evertking View Post
    What are you guys and gals thoughts on organizations like this?
    By organization I assume you are asking about the composition of the photograph. It doesn't really give the feeling of laying on your back and gazing up at the sky because there is a horizon (or at least a tree canopy just above the horizon). It just looks like a traditional sunset photo with an extremely wonky horizon. I'm all for breaking the rules, but only if there is a compelling reason to do so. In this case I don't see the purpose of the diagonal horizon and I find it very distracting.

    Even if the photograph were shot horizontal then I would still want more trees and horizon and less sky. I have seen photographs with a lot of negative space used to draw attention to the subject (think of the classic bird on a wire photo) and maybe that is what you are going for here, but if that is the case I don't know that you succeeded. What is the main subject of the photograph? Is it the moon or the sunset through the trees? As a moon picture I think it is too high and small to be framed with the sunset. I would focus on capturing the sunset with some interesting tree silhouettes (or other foreground objects), shot in a traditional landscape format and forget about the moon.

    I hope none of this is coming across as harsh. I am new to photography and have a lot to learn myself so I am trying to give the type of feedback I hope to receive, detailed and specific.

    Quote Originally Posted by Evertking View Post
    I have joined the PPA and plan on getting my CPP.
    What is the PPA and CPP?

  9. #9

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    Re: Just a picture...

    Mike, I don't really see the point of this picture. There does not have to be a point as such however some form of control of the various elements of photography should be adhered to in order to progress. That is only my opinion other people may disagree, that is fine.
    Cheers Ole

  10. #10

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    Re: Just a picture...

    Looking for the highest usable ISO and after my own "testing" and a little Google it seems that anything up to about 8000 should be fine.
    I was looking around online for photography toutorials and ran across the PPA.. Professional Photographers of America popped up. Seems to be a good way to learn. They have study material, videos and when you think your ready, you take a exam and a image submission test. I THINK that's how that goes. From what I have seen so far. The videos are very helpful.

  11. #11

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    Re: Just a picture...

    Have you looked at the tutorials on here ? Also have you got a local camera club ?

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