Sergio, like it a lot. You should be able to get rid of the flare PP in, say, Lightroom.
Cheers Ole
Nice shot!
A little clean in the PP and a wonderful capture.
Thanks, Ole. My ability to remove things like this is abysmal. Anything beyond a simple operation and I usually give up.
I'll give it another shot.
Thanks, Sergey.
Thanks, Raymond. I'll give the flare another try.
I like it! Yeah, the location of that and the learning curve and complexity of PS is enough to make me cringe at the thought!
I love the light flare!!
Thanks, Mike. Photoshop can be rather intimidating, but it's certainly a valuable tool.
The lens flare here was not intentional, but I have no problem with it. What bothered me more about this image was that the original color version had so much yellow (golden sunset), I could never get it the way I wanted. Hence, the conversion to b&w.
Thanks, John.