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Thread: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

  1. #1
    ST1's Avatar
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    Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    I had a drive out last week to hopefully capture some autumn with colourful leaves swirling around in some water. Sadly whilst there was a few leaves around, they weren't in any great quantity in the water. Additionally most of the surrounding trees were still in their summer clothes. But you just have to work with what you have a the time.

    Your thoughts and comments on this one would be most welcome.

    Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

  2. #2
    JohnRostron's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    This is an attractive scene, well composed. I have never been a fan of long-exposure water scenes like this, so this fails for me on that account. The foliage above the far waterfall does look blurred.


  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    Nicely captured.

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    I really like long exposures so that is a plus for me in this image. It really is a beautiful scene. The drawback for me is the same as John stated, the blurred foliage. If you have another image of this scene that is not a long exposure maybe you could mask in the non-long exposure tree as a replacement just an idea

  5. #5
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    Did you use an ND filter?

  6. #6

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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    The scene is well composed. I think the exposure is too long in my view a shutter speed of, say 1/30 should be sufficient enough to convey the sense of motion in this picture. That is only my opinion.
    Cheers Ole

  7. #7
    MrB's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    It seems that the Marmite effect is operating here and I would agree with John and Ole - a pleasant composition but it is not enhanced by the long exposure.


  8. #8
    ST1's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    Thanks for all of your comments ladies and gents, much appreciated Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for.

    I agree that I could have used a normal exposure to fix the movement in the tree branches. But for me I know there was a bit of a wind tunnel effect going on. Because of that with a twelve second exposure I would expect to see some foliage movement.

    I did create a more normal exposure of the scene, as I'm aware that LE and water movement can be a bit of a Marmite thing, some like it some hate it, each to their own of course.

    So for the record here is the non Marmite version, mind you I have used a slightly different composition/crop.

    Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

  9. #9
    sachtjen's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    Normally I'm non-Marmite. In this case there are defiantly pros and cons. The waterfall itself is slightly more silken than my preference, but I do really like the swirls and streak patterns in the runoff water. That is definitely enhanced by the long exposure.

    Overall, even coming from a non-Marmite guy, the first is the stronger image. If this were in my collection the movement in the trees would be the only thing keeping me from printing it out and hanging it on my wall.

    Thanks for sharing both.

    Edit: I was caught up on giving my two cents with regard to the exposure time, I forgot to tell you I really like the colors. It doesn't have to be full on reds and oranges as far as they eye can see to be a fantastic "fall" photo. I like the play of reds, yellows and greens.

  10. #10

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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    Thanks for all of your comments ladies and gents, much appreciated Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for.

    I agree that I could have used a normal exposure to fix the movement in the tree branches. But for me I know there was a bit of a wind tunnel effect going on. Because of that with a twelve second exposure I would expect to see some foliage movement.

    I did create a more normal exposure of the scene, as I'm aware that LE and water movement can be a bit of a Marmite thing, some like it some hate it, each to their own of course.

    So for the record here is the non Marmite version, mind you I have used a slightly different composition/crop.

    Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for
    this works for me.

  11. #11
    Black Pearl's Avatar
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    Re: Not quite the autumn colour I was hoping for

    That looks like a fab location and your exposure times are bang on for creating a feeling of movement.

    Give it another week or two and the colours should be spot on - assuming all the wind we've been having doesn't strip the trees.

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