Sorry for the delay in responding. I was asked to shoot candids at a wedding and have had to turn my attention to processing that rather large set of images.
George, the benefit I see in using a white balance card (as opposed to an Expodisk) is that you could have the option of using its values in post-production for selective adjustments, as I think are needed in this case (cooler sky; warmer tree and bird).
Ted, I am not afraid of technical. It pushes me to expand my knowledge and keeps me humble. (Very humble.

Thanks for the contribution, Brian. Quite the variety of sky colour we have going here! The tree and the bird look pretty good, but I'm not loving the sky. I will get back to this when I finish processing the wedding pics. They are presenting their own white balance issues and so I am learning from doing them. I am curious though, about your technique. I also use C1, but don't understand how you use the B&W sliders on a colour image. Can you point me to a tutorial?