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Thread: The Black Monk

  1. #1
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    The Black Monk

    There are a number of large statues of a faceless black monk, just outside the Short Leg Gate Tower gate that separates the upper town on Toompea Hill (where the rich lived) from the lower town. This gate was shut every night to keep the lower classes and some of the local ghosts away. The black monk was one of the ghosts that is said to inhabit this part of town.

    This particular version of the black monk sits on a platform part way up the wall and seems to stare down at visitors coming through the gate.

    The Black Monk

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The Black Monk

    Nice shot.

  3. #3

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    Re: The Black Monk

    Manfred, after having looked at your pictures I recon we'd have to visit Tallinn when we visit Europe some time next year. I do think I can persuade 'the one' - I hope.
    Cheers Ole

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Manfred Mueller

    Re: The Black Monk

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    Manfred, after having looked at your pictures I recon we'd have to visit Tallinn when we visit Europe some time next year. I do think I can persuade 'the one' - I hope.
    Cheers Ole
    Tallinn's Old Town is definitely one of the prettiest ones we have come across and an compares favourably with Prague in the Czech Republic and Rothenburg o.d. Tauber in Germany. A few of the old Soviet Union relics are also interesting in a historical sense.

    My youngest daughter and I did a real whirlwind tour of the three 16 months ago, and felt that my wife would really enjoy these places (hint: I was right). This is why we went and having a full month to explore these places gave us time of a more in-depth visit than we would normally make. What we really enjoyed was the local identity of the places; except for a short period between the two World Wars, these countries were ruled by outsiders for most of a millennium, so this was definitely a pleasant surprise.

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