Nice exposure Robert.
Robert - good exposure, colour and especially depth - almost a 3D image. How does the flaring on the lamps come about? Is it through the camera itself or have you used a filter (no criticism if you have)?
Hello David,
there was no filter used. Exposure was 30sec at f/11. Intense light sources during night time photography get a star shaped flare the more you step down. I did exposures with other apertures that night. With f/11 the I had the most pleasant effect. I suppose that the strengh of the effect depends both on camera and lense used. So get a tripod and check it out.
Apart from and in addition to all that has been said above (with which I agree), the other strength of this comes, I think, from the timing of your shot. You have taken the shot at the time of day when there is the right amount of light left in the sky and the colour of the sky complements the infrastructure of the lock and the artificial light.
I do not know if you happened to be in the right place at the right time, or whether you carefully planned what time you would be in that position. But it does show us that light is what it's all about andthat sometimes you have to work at not only getting to the right location, but doing so at the right time.
A very pleasing shot, I like the second one more personally.
They are rather different photos. The first gives close details while the second shows the overall scene.
I would consider a very slight crop from the right side and bottom of the second photo. But I do mean slight and 'consider'. I think it is a case of try it and see.