Erik, well photographed and welcome to CiC.
I remembered the song by ABBA, "...I am a bird in the sky, I am an eagle that fly over the breeze...." Excellent image!!!
Last edited by Wavelength; 22nd October 2017 at 05:17 PM.
Very nice capture...
Great capture looks like a Kestrel
Well done!
Very nice photo.
+1 to all the above.
excellent capture.
I'm trying to figure out how you positioned yourself at the same height as the bird. Was it flying quite low to the ground?
Thanks Dan.
I was sitting somewhere halfway up a dike facing the "waddenzee" in the north of the Netherlands and this bird was flying around there suddenly it started "praying" almost right in front of me above the shore. That made I was almost on the same hight. Believe me I was very happy with this shot. Handheld with my 500 mm Sigma Bigma😎