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Thread: The little monks of Kye Monastery

  1. #1
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    The photos are taken at the thousand years old Key monastery, around 14000 ft above sea level in the Himalayas. Little monks had just finished their morning prayer and were, in small groups, coming for the breakfast. I used my 55-250 mm lens to try and catch some of their are some of those photos. I would like to hear what you all think of them, and all the suggestions that will help me to take better photos next time I go there...

    1. And stairs to climb before I sleep...
    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    2. wait! I'm coming
    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    3. Every one loves the cute little Limbu
    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    4. Limbu has deep thoughts of his own
    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    5. Limbu has lot of responsibilities
    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    6. Monks of Photography
    The little monks of Kye Monastery
    Last edited by KingshukChatterjee; 26th October 2017 at 10:33 AM.

  2. #2
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    I like your photographic essay Kingshuk. The concept is great and the types of images you have put together do this extremely well. The order you have chosen tell the story well.

    Next steps for you would be to work on the compositional and technical aspects of the images.

    Image 1 - Generally the backs of people are not that interesting. A view that shows the novice monks face would have been a lot stronger.

    Image 2 - Having the two boys in the image and placing them so far apart results in a weaker composition than if you had cropped, likely the novice on the left hand side and concentrated on the one further down the path.

    Image 3 / Image 4 - Getting down closer to eye level usually gives a stronger image of children. There is a white balance issue here. I don't know of any rocks that have such a blue colour to them.

    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Image 5 - This image would have been stronger without the dog on the left hand side. I think the crop of the novice is a bit tight. As he is walking, I would have included his legs.

    Image 6 - I think this is the strongest image of the group. I think the white balance is off though.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Nice captures.

  4. #4
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Excellent images and a simple beautiful story to connect; well captioned, all

  5. #5
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I like your photographic essay Kingshuk. The concept is great and the types of images you have put together do this extremely well. The order you have chosen tell the story well.

    Next steps for you would be to work on the compositional and technical aspects of the images.

    Image 1 - Generally the backs of people are not that interesting. A view that shows the novice monks face would have been a lot stronger.

    Image 2 - Having the two boys in the image and placing them so far apart results in a weaker composition than if you had cropped, likely the novice on the left hand side and concentrated on the one further down the path.

    Image 3 / Image 4 - Getting down closer to eye level usually gives a stronger image of children. There is a white balance issue here. I don't know of any rocks that have such a blue colour to them.

    The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Image 5 - This image would have been stronger without the dog on the left hand side. I think the crop of the novice is a bit tight. As he is walking, I would have included his legs.

    Image 6 - I think this is the strongest image of the group. I think the white balance is off though.
    Thanks a lot Manfred, I will correct the white balance and do other rectifications that you have suggested. But for the first image, I wanted to capture the posture of the boy while climbing upstairs. In that case it was not possible that I would get that posture from the front side, I think. What do you suggest?

  6. #6
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice captures.
    Thanks John...

  7. #7
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Quote Originally Posted by Wavelength View Post
    Excellent images and a simple beautiful story to connect; well captioned, all
    Thank you Nandakumar...

  8. #8
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Quote Originally Posted by KingshukChatterjee View Post
    Thanks a lot Manfred, I will correct the white balance and do other rectifications that you have suggested. But for the first image, I wanted to capture the posture of the boy while climbing upstairs. In that case it was not possible that I would get that posture from the front side, I think. What do you suggest?
    Pictures of people from the back usually do not work well, but there are exceptions.

    One of those exceptions would be where they lead us (visually) to another point of interest in the image. That is not happening here, as the boy is the subject, so this image does not work all that well.

  9. #9
    KingshukChatterjee's Avatar
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    Re: The little monks of Kye Monastery

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Pictures of people from the back usually do not work well, but there are exceptions.

    One of those exceptions would be where they lead us (visually) to another point of interest in the image. That is not happening here, as the boy is the subject, so this image does not work all that well.
    Thanks for explaining, I will keep it in mind next time...

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