Last edited by Erik T; 1st November 2017 at 10:15 PM.
A very productive day. The detail looks good but some could do with a bit more sharpening. I find I need to set the sharpening very high when using tinypic to display the images.
I hope you had refreshments with you. No doubt you will try using a hide again.
thanks for your comment!
I had lots of refreshments with me, no problem.
What kind of setting do you use for sharpening?
I'm running LR 6.12
Most of the photo's are shot with ISO 2000 due to low light. So I had to set quit high noise removal settings, could that be the reason as well?
Great set Erik, thanks for sharing.
Nice series.
Without seeing the original file it would be unwise of me to comment to much. However from what I can see they look like they have reasonable detail to work with but are fairly soft. For uploading via tinypic I use LR export and set max size to 1500x1500 pixels , jpeg, sRGB, qual 95%, output sharpening for screen at either medium or high. The impression I have is that the tinypic upload does knock back the sharpening.
ISO2000 should be fine for most DSLR's models less than 5 years old provided the photographs are not under exposed. Maybe you should allow just a little bit more noise in the shadow area in an effort to increase the sharpening.
The D600 should be fine at ISO2000 but in Develop you need the radius set higher than that for the D80. For images that I know will never be printed bigger than A3 for my D800 I go as high as a radius of 2.5px where as for the D200 I seldom go above 1px. Having the Detail setting too high will accentuate any noise so you could try reducing it to about 15-25 or less rather than the 40-60 often used.
Last edited by pnodrog; 29th October 2017 at 10:36 AM.
That is an excellent series Erik.
Superb series!!!
Wonderful images--thanks for sharing. And also for provoking the discussion with Paul on sharpening from which we all learn!
Really enjoyed seeing these, thanks for sharing them. I'm not sure I could spend all day waiting to get shots like these. Well done!
Nice set Erik, I hope the experience and results encourage you to do more!
What an impressive set of images.
Hi Erik,
Great set of images, well done for getting down low, that makes such a difference to many of these. It also must help ensuring there's a catch light in their eyes.
If I had to pick a favourite, I think it would be #2, although it's a tough choice, as they are all better than good.
It helps people enormously if you separate and unambiguously number your photos when creating the thread, especially if there are 3 or more photos - I have done that for you this time.
A wonderfully productive day, super shots.
Great shots Erik, I love the eye level images. 1, 3 & 6 are the ones which stand out for me.
In no 3 I would have preferred a slightly wider shot with the squirrel placed on the right side of the frame. I think it would make it a better composition.
Great series. Good return on your outlay![]()
I absolutely love #2.
Excellent, Erik!