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Thread: 5D Mark ii vs. 5D Mark iii

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    5D Mark ii vs. 5D Mark iii

    Has anyone ever upgraded from the Canon 5D Mark-2 to the Canon 5D Mark-3. If so, could you share your feelings about the two cameras?

    I am considering the upgrade of my 5D2 to a 5D3. Why a 5D3, you ask? Why not a 5D4? Good question. Well I could sell my 7D and my 5D2 plus some other equipment and not have to add any cash to purchase a used 5D3 while, I would need to add a considerable amount of cash to get the 5D4 (even a used one). Yep, the 5D4 would be nice but, there is at least a thousand dollars difference between the Mark-3 and the Mark-4.

    I am quite happy with most parameters of the 5D2 performance. I purchased this 5D2 at a very good price from a professional photographer who used it as his second cammera. It had a really low frame count. Originally, my thought was to use this only as a portrait camera in my home studio. I like the 70-200mm f/4L IS as a portrait lens but, I don't have enough room in the studio to effectively use that lens with a crop camera. The 5D2 has been fine in this capacity.

    The full-frame camera also has a greater capability to get an OOF background, even at a relatively small aperture. Here is a shot at 200mm using f/9.

    5D Mark ii vs. 5D Mark iii

    But, my main reason for considering the upgrade is that the 5D2 just seems like an "older" camera. I really feel like I am reverting back to my Canon 40D when I use the 5D2. I have recently been using my 5D2, outdoors in general shooting with my 70-200mm f/4L IS lens in tandem with my 7D2 with my 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II lens. This is a really nice combination because the 5D2 with 70-200mm covers the 70-160mm (effective focal length) gap. The full frame format is really great for people shooting because 70mm gives me a lot more coverage with the full frame camera than with my crop cameras.

    I would, however, I'd like a newer feeling camera, one that is set up more like my 7D2. I would also like the incrementally better AF and the increased frame rate available on the 5D3. Although, this is way down on the totem pole, having two card slots is neat!
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 30th October 2017 at 07:02 PM.

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: 5D Mark ii vs. 5D Mark iii


    I can't provide much help; the only 5D I have owned is the Mark III, which I absolutely love. It differs from the Mark II in lots of respects that you can find listed in various reviews, e.g., this one.

    I looked at the specs of the IV when it was released, and a few of the improvements appealed to me--in particular, the improved sensor (better performance in the shadows) and maybe the improved AF. I have zero interest in the improved video, but to each his or her own. I don't know whether I would spend the extra $1100 if I were buying new, but I certainly am not going to spend the much bigger amount it would take to trade a used III for a new IV.


  3. #3

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    Re: 5D Mark ii vs. 5D Mark iii

    I moved from 5D1 to 5D3 and now 5D4.
    The 5D4 is IMO much better than the 5D3. 40% higher resolution, higher dynamic range, dual pixel live view focusing, wi fi, gps and even a remote socket in a sensible place. All these persuaded me to buy the 5D4. I made the right decision, despite the cost of a new camera.

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