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Thread: Achmelvich Bay.

  1. #1
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Achmelvich Bay.

    Still looking over past images with a newly formed eye, perspective and a monitor on which to play on + the software to help me realise the vision.

    I knew there was a good image in this file. I could never get it out. I've now got this out of it.

    What do you think? Your c & c are always welcomed.

    Achmelvich Bay.

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    South Devon, UK

    Re: Achmelvich Bay.

    Initially the shadows seemed rather lacking in detail but with the lightbox view everything changes and all the fine dark detail appears. Which produces an excellent scene.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Achmelvich Bay.


    As you print your own the real test is the output, if I were to print this particular image on my printer I'd have a solid black color with the RHS of the rock formation; as this area only covers a small percentage of the overall composition I probably wouldn't worry too much. For specific compositions this black area might cause me some concern especially if shadow areas were significantly important. Whenever I do a B & W conversion using NIK I look for these dark areas and if it significantly impacts the overall tonality I'll try to reduce as much as possible.

    As I stated in your other post my current printer (hp 7960) cannot differentiate between zones 0 and 1, if I see that the final output will suffer from too much blacks and my printer cannot handle the tonality range I'll do a Screen blending mode in Elements and reduce some of the tonality overload.

  4. #4
    Tony M's Avatar
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    Re: Achmelvich Bay.

    I like the tones and texture. Looks like you have extracted the maximum possible from the original.

    Did you apply a vignette to the top part, or is the change in tone part of the original?


  5. #5
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    Re: Achmelvich Bay.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tony M View Post
    Did you apply a vignette to the top part, or is the change in tone part of the original?
    No I didn't, Tony. This is the tone that was there, but brought out by using the 'Amplify Blacks' control on Silver Efex 2

  6. #6

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    Re: Achmelvich Bay.

    I like it Donald, except for the tall post. I wish that could be removed. It splits the image and detracts from the scene. Love the processing though

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