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Thread: Marbled Godwit

  1. #1
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Marbled Godwit

    I often go down to the Elkhorn Slough, a protected wetlands near where I live. They recently had a contest for pictures for their 2011 calendar, and this pic of a marbled godwit is one of the ones I submitted. C&C welcome.

    Marbled Godwit

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Marbled Godwit

    Well, just a personal opinion, but although the reflection is good the bird appears lost amongst all that water and there is little in the way of clear plumage details visible.

    I would crop tighter, but even then I wouldn't really consider this to be a suitable calendar subject. But let's see what other people think.

  3. #3
    Ollokot's Avatar
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    Re: Marbled Godwit

    Hi Elise,
    As a keen bird watcher and L plated photographer I have found that the closer you get to the subject the better.
    I would agree with Geoff and add that you should try another shot up closer,
    Hope I have been of some help,

    Best Wishes Pat

  4. #4
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Marbled Godwit

    Thanks for the comment -- I don't know if it makes any difference, but when you look at the full-size version of the picture, there's a lot of detail in the feathers -- in reducing to 700 on a side, maybe something was lost. There's a fair amount of subtle detail in the water ripples as well.

    But I do take your point. I agree that a tighter crop would make a different, maybe better, photograph.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Marbled Godwit

    Yes I think you could certainly crop the left and top which, going by the original image, would make the bird 'stand out' a bit more.

    You could possibly try a little selective sharpening to the body of the bird, but not the water. But only a little, otherwise it will appear unnatural.

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