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Thread: A pleasant surprise from Adobe

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    A pleasant surprise from Adobe

    I recently took up the Adobe subscription package: Lightroom cc and Photoshop. Initially it worked fine then Lightroom stopped working in that I could not even open it. I went to a local IT expert who worked on it for about an hour. It appeared it was only something that only Adobe could fix.

    After spending an hour on the phone with a lady in Delhi India where she took over the computer. It is now fixed to my full satisfaction and she even gave me the stand alone Lightroom for free. On asking why she did that she laughed and said something about me liking to take pictures.

    I do believe that she did not think that the cloud version is any good and that is why I now have two versions of lightroom.

    Thought that my experience was illuminating.

    Cheers Ole

  2. #2
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: A pleasant surprise from Adobe


    I have had only a few serious problems with Lightroom, but my experience was similar to yours: it took some time, but the Adobe service folks I reached solved the problem. In two cases, if I recall, they had to take over my computer, which is why I recommend that people have everything else shut down when they call.

    Re whether the cloud version is good: the few serious problems I have encountered were before the subscription version was introduced. If I recall, I did have one problem with the Adobe cloud app (not LR or Photoshop) and had to reinstall it and sign back in, but that wasn't a big deal. I've long since removed the stand-alone version of LR from my computer. The only other difficulty I have had since switching to the cloud version is a problem that the stand-alone version had too: sometimes and upgrade requires reinstalling or copying plug-ins. I was initially resistant to the subscription model, but I have to say that at this point, I am very satisfied with it.


  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Richard Vallon Jr.

    Re: A pleasant surprise from Adobe

    BTW- could you post if these problems were Mac or Windows based. BTW- last week I was in LR Classic CC and it would not make a new folder in the Import dialog.. said it was working- but had to move the images to a folder in the Mac - then import these were they were placed... student with Windows computer had the same problem- recent updates seem to have fixed this.

  4. #4

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    Re: A pleasant surprise from Adobe

    Quote Originally Posted by richardvallon View Post
    BTW- could you post if these problems were Mac or Windows based. BTW- last week I was in LR Classic CC and it would not make a new folder in the Import dialog.. said it was working- but had to move the images to a folder in the Mac - then import these were they were placed... student with Windows computer had the same problem- recent updates seem to have fixed this.
    It was Windows based.

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