Well done Steve. You have a trend / way / project or like you called it a basic
theme. Something I wrote about a few days ago.
Indeed I was too enthusiastic with what I did and I posted the triptych. OK I know it is a triptych already and not one single image but not consistent/persistent enough to be considered as a theme. And a theme is really the right direction.
Look herewith at what the editor of
Silvershotz - Clive Waring-Flood - wrote in the last issue. I scanned the page for you to read.
And if you have the chance loot at the work of
Fritz Liedthe - published in Silversotz Volume 7 Edition 1 the very same issue - and all his links. Look at the dimension of such a work. Consistent, solid. I am already planning to do something like this but for now I will not tell you about it. Sorry. Just not the moment.
Yes Raylee this works for me. I mean I like it. It is not among my preferences but I like it. We can't like everything can we ?

David is that flower made on paper ? Looks pretty nice the way you are presenting it

Well Steve, let me tell you frankly: Your picture doesn't impress me and doesn't make me feel sad or whatever. I can't see anything wrong with you in there my friend

Wrong bet.
I understand - yes I do - that you would feel miserable at that time but that is your point of view. Try again Steve. Look at the picture with other people's eyes and pass to them how anguish of bad you were feeling at the time.
Make something really strong. I think I am being too harsh now but I know you from here for some time and I am sure you, not only agree with me, but you will not get mad at me either.
OK ?