Nice -- I like it too, very much. A most unusual perspective.
Nice -- I like it too, very much. A most unusual perspective.
Thanks for your kind comments.
It goes back to what I try to drill repetitively through my students' thick skulls...and Rob touched on it the other day...sometimes, it's good to go back the same way you came, to see what you missed the first time.
Very nice effect Chris. It makes me wonder what else can be done with 'physical' textures.
Steve, the composition of your shot is spot on. I quite like the effect but I think the problem here is that it is so subtle my eyes just see an oof image until I look really closely. I would be interested to see what others say about this one
I think it's really cool -- I love the colors you got --
Nice image Kit. It has a message, a mystery
It makes us wonder what is going on there or what is going to happen next.
Thanks, Antonio.You got it in one...
Chris, I do like the framing - very clever idea.
Very nice Elise! It has an other-worldly feel to it.
I like it, Kit -- I like the composition as well as the texture work. Let us know how it goes over with your group!