Just thought I would share some of three night photos and one of fall in Mountains, photos are from last week or so. Saw the first hiking down mountains the night before and was just lucky for other two star photos. Not sure they demonstrate anything but technical power of new cameras and lens but the sky's here are some the darkest in North America.
The horizontal shots are composites 8 for SKY and over 20 for trees, so a lot of detail is lost posting but maybe you will enjoy.
The two vertical shots are single shots, trail in one is jet , trail in other it is a satellite, I think but neither phoned home.
The two verticals star shots are along Rio Grande border with Mexico, no one lives anywhere near here, it would take the entire national budget to build a wall here, but Mexico is going to pay for it, so who cares they are a rich country.
The settings for night shots are pretty standard, ISO 2000, f1.4, 20 second exposure 24 mm lens
The setting for trees was 50mm ISO 100, f22 for about 1.3 - 2 seconds, I was in a canyon and there was no wind. Obviously hand held for all of above, wink
Feel free to say whatever, hope a few enjoy