Alright, day three of using the new printer, finally getting the hang of things; getting used to handling papers and getting image correctly positioned. Had issues with prints coming out darker than what is viewable on my monitor. I use Colormunki to calibrate my monitor, using Epson paper and profiles are set. I've followed various experts advice on allowing Elements to manage colors, turned off Auto Color Correction, my images were set to ProPhotoshop sRGB throughout the editing process, did a few prints using PSD files but usually only print TIFF's. My color settings were originally set to "Allow Optimization for Printing" which uses Adobe RGB, and my prints were coming out too dark (right image).
I switched to allow printer to manage color and got the output of middle image, then added Auto Color Correction and got image on left. Is this typical setup and issues most get doing their own printing, one print guru, Matt Kloskowski said that most labs do auto color correction as most clients images are edited on too bright monitors, and he (Matt) typically adjusts brightness by 25% to compensate.
The only thing I did to this image is add a bit of sharpening and did a slight crop. Might look a bit dark but I can see details in the hair on the first two images, hardly any on the right hand side image.