Last edited by Pippan; 8th December 2017 at 01:54 PM.
Julia Margaret Cameron, Alfred Stieglitz, Ansel Adams, all of the f64 group, Bresson, Harry Benson, Albert Watson.![]()
Thank you to everyone. It's been fabulous checking into the work of these people, sometimes coming across photos that are familiar to me but without having known before who had taken the pictures. And it's been fascinating reading about the photographers themselves - what an extraordinary and talented young man Achmad Zulkarnain is.
Fan Ho, his use of light is amazing.
Robert Doisneau too.
Ted Forbes has a brilliant YouTube channel on great photographers, well worth a look at, search YT for “Art of Photography”
Three Minnesota outdoor photographers, Jim Brandenburg, Bryan Hansel and Jay Steinke.
Last edited by LePetomane; 10th December 2017 at 02:44 AM.
Most of his stills work was as a young twenty year old in the 1950’s in Hong Kong using a twin lens Rolleiflex. After that he went into film making and only returned to photography after he retired in the 90’s going back to his earlier negatives and reprinting/compositing into new images, all without using photoshop !! His famous work “Approaching Shadow“ was ‘enhanced’ in the darkroom . . (
Also check out Don Hong-Oai, a Chinese/Vietnamese photographer whose extraordinary compositions are in the style of traditional Chinese painting.
Thank you for passing on these names! They are great.