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Thread: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

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    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    I would like to see all the EXIF data that is stored by my camera in my editing program. The complete data is useful for me to review what did and didn’t work after a photography outing [was that in shutter priority? Was that in burst mode or fired off singly?] What I would like to do is review photos and delete or edit them all in one window.

    The software that came with my camera (Nikon P900) gives me all the data but the free editing program that came with it is directed more towards RAW files and not JPEG so it doesn’t work well for me. I’ve downloaded a free trial of Lightroom but it doesn’t show all the data. Is there a way that I can get what I want with LR or in any other editing program? Thank you

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    I find I windows 10, and possibly other editions, right click on the photo, select properties, then the details tab, and that will give a lot of information. You can zoom down to get more.

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by CatherineA View Post
    I would like to see all the EXIF data that is stored by my camera in my editing program. The complete data is useful for me to review what did and didn’t work after a photography outing [was that in shutter priority? Was that in burst mode or fired off singly?] What I would like to do is review photos and delete or edit them all in one window.

    The software that came with my camera (Nikon P900) gives me all the data but the free editing program that came with it is directed more towards RAW files and not JPEG so it doesn’t work well for me. I’ve downloaded a free trial of Lightroom but it doesn’t show all the data. Is there a way that I can get what I want with LR or in any other editing program? Thank you

    Have you checked the Metadata for your file in the Library Module?

    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by CatherineA View Post
    I would like to see all the EXIF data that is stored by my camera in my editing program. The complete data is useful for me to review what did and didn’t work after a photography outing [was that in shutter priority? Was that in burst mode or fired off singly?] What I would like to do is review photos and delete or edit them all in one window.

    The software that came with my camera (Nikon P900) gives me all the data but the free editing program that came with it is directed more towards RAW files and not JPEG so it doesn’t work well for me. I’ve downloaded a free trial of Lightroom but it doesn’t show all the data. Is there a way that I can get what I want with LR or in any other editing program? Thank you
    If you want to know the camera settings there's no difference between RAW and JPEG.
    Most exif viewers are based on the Exiftools by Phil Harvey.
    A list of the possible tags that are used in general
    And a list if tags that are used for Nikon
    It can be quite difficult to use it. Better to use the GUI edition of it as Ted wrote. Read the instructions carefully.
    Just reading the tags gives you an idea what is stored in the exif.


  5. #5
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Hi Catherine,

    Quote Originally Posted by CatherineA View Post
    I would like to see all the EXIF data that is stored by my camera in my editing program. The complete data is useful for me to review what did and didn’t work after a photography outing [was that in shutter priority? Was that in burst mode or fired off singly?]
    I do use the Nikon software (ViewNX2) for the review and cull part of my processing, rating them with stars, then I filter so only the highest rated stars are visible, then right click Open With and choose my image editor (PS CC). It shows the most useful EXIF data, but, for the inexperienced, it might be a bit cryptic; detecting burst mode is, in my experience a matter of observing the "Date Created" field and if the time difference shown between shots is fractions of a second, it is part of a burst, I'm not aware of having seen a field that says "Burst" or "Single" - may be it exists but isn't used by Nikon or implemented on your/my particular camera models, or may be I've just not noticed it!

    Quote Originally Posted by CatherineA View Post
    The software that came with my camera (Nikon P900) gives me all the data but the free editing program that came with it is directed more towards RAW files and not JPEG so it doesn’t work well for me.
    In my limited experience, there's little difference between editing RAW and jpg, I wonder what it is that made you say this?

    Quote Originally Posted by CatherineA View Post
    I’ve downloaded a free trial of Lightroom but it doesn’t show all the data. Is there a way that I can get what I want with LR or in any other editing program? Thank you
    It is possible that not all field groups (of EXIF data) have been 'expanded' (to show their content), but I'm not a LR user and don't have time to explore now (sorry).


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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Catherine,

    I do use the Nikon software (ViewNX2) for the review and cull part of my processing, rating them with stars, then I filter so only the highest rated stars are visible, then right click Open With and choose my image editor (PS CC). It shows the most useful EXIF data, but, for the inexperienced, it might be a bit cryptic; detecting burst mode is, in my experience a matter of observing the "Date Created" field and if the time difference shown between shots is fractions of a second, it is part of a burst, I'm not aware of having seen a field that says "Burst" or "Single" - may be it exists but isn't used by Nikon or implemented on your/my particular camera models, or may be I've just not noticed it!

    In my limited experience, there's little difference between editing RAW and jpg, I wonder what it is that made you say this?

    It is possible that not all field groups (of EXIF data) have been 'expanded' (to show their content), but I'm not a LR user and don't have time to explore now (sorry).

    Just tried the exiftool with an image in burst mode. The tag name is "shooting mode". In burst it's "continuous".
    Look at and search for "shooting mode"

    Copy an image to the directory containing exiftool.exe. Open the CMD window and go to that directory. Just type "exiftool.exe name.jpg" and enter. You get a full list of available tags for that picture. It can also be a NEF.


  7. #7
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    As John said, there is a metadata section in the right-hand panel of the Lightoom Library page. It has the basics: e.g., ISO, focal length, aperture, shutter speed, camera body, and file size. I don't have an burst mode photos to check on this computer, but it doesn't seem to have that information. However, it should sometimes be clear because you will have a bunch of nearly identical photos in a row in the filmstrip or loupe.

    I suspect it's not there because it has no bearing on the appearance of the photo once the capture has been made.

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    I use Adobe Bridge to open my RAW images and sometimes to open JPEG images that I have edited and stored as JPEG files. The Metadata section of Bridge will give me this information...
    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program
    When I upload my images to I have access to a large amount of information regarding the image which I access by selecting the info icon (red arrow)
    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program
    The info which is circled in blue is quite comprehensive and contains more infoo as I access the drop down menu. It is however, not always totally accurate. The metadata indicates that I used a flash on this image which I did not.
    What I want is an add on Metadata Viewer with which I can find the metadata from images posted by others. I don't use firefox generally and mostly use chrome.

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I use Adobe Bridge to open my RAW images and sometimes to open JPEG images that I have edited and stored as JPEG files. The Metadata section of Bridge will give me this information...
    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program
    When I upload my images to I have access to a large amount of information regarding the image which I access by selecting the info icon (red arrow)
    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program
    The info which is circled in blue is quite comprehensive and contains more infoo as I access the drop down menu. It is however, not always totally accurate. The metadata indicates that I used a flash on this image which I did not.
    What I want is an add on Metadata Viewer with which I can find the metadata from images posted by others. I don't use firefox generally and mostly use chrome.
    That's possible isn't it?


  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program


    The problem for Catherine is that showing her a huge list of possible EXIF tags, some/many of which may not be used, or used correctly, by her camera manufacturer or on her specific model, which then may, or may not, be correctly/accurately decoded or displayed by whatever software or EXIF viewer she is using - is probably not going to be helpful.

    In my opinion, which might be wrong, that's "information overload".

    That's why I was trying to give practical advice with caveats that may be appropriate and illicit more information to further refine, or test, to provide an immediately useful answer.

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post

    The problem for Catherine is that showing her a huge list of possible EXIF tags, some/many of which may not be used, or used correctly, by her camera manufacturer or on her specific model, which then may, or may not, be correctly/accurately decoded or displayed by whatever software or EXIF viewer she is using - is probably not going to be helpful.
    Just deleted my post, which answered literally "I would like to see ALL the EXIF data that is stored by my camera in my editing program. The COMPLETE data is useful for me . . . " (my caps).

    Sorry, Catherine.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 9th December 2017 at 08:37 PM.

  12. #12
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Now I have it. Thanks... Sorry f I hijacked this post...

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Thank you all very much for your help and patience and unfailing tact when answering my questions!

    The computer that I’ve used until a few days ago used Windows. It’s broken and at this point needs replacing rather than repairing. I am trying out a Mac and I have downloaded Firefox specifically to use Exif Viewer when looking at photos posted by others (thanks Ted). I will continue to use View NX2 for looking at my own photos. Once I get more comfortable on the Mac I’ll try the editor that comes with it for free.

    John- thanks for the screen shot. I can’t locate that on LR and that is either because I don’t know my way around it yet (probable reason) or because the version that came with this free trial is different from yours. I have Adobe LR cc and it has a slightly different icon from yours. I keep being drawn to light room even though it outstrips where I am at at this point in photography.

    Dave- Capture-NX is the software that Nikon provides for free with my camera. It is the same software that goes with other Nikon cameras, ones that shoot in RAW. I don’t know why it is but nearly all of the editing tools can only be used on RAW images. It turned out that I could do more with the free add-on from Windows called Photos than I could with Capture-NX. That is too bad because it probably does all I need for now.

    I dream big with my photos and have lots of things in my mind that I would like to realize. I think LR or something like it will be good at some point. In the meantime, I will try the free editor that comes with the Mac - just as soon as I find my way around the Mac.

    Thanks again!

  14. #14
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by CatherineA View Post
    I’ve downloaded a free trial of Lightroom but it doesn’t show all the data. Is there a way that I can get what I want with LR or in any other editing program? Thank you
    Hi Catherine,

    I'm not an LR user although I have it. Looking at the Exif data it lists this appears too limited for what you are after, which is those items that are going to help with your present learning, (e.g. was I in Shutter Priority and how much Exp Comp if any I used for this shot compared with another).

    Whilst there are many independent Exif viewers available I think using these would be overkill and likely time consuming when what you are looking for is 'quick comparisons'.

    As already mentioned by Dave ViewNX is an ideal tool for this and you also have the advantage of being able to 'rate/class' images in any category you care to decide yourself.

    Until you finally decide what editing software you will use if I were you I would stick with ViewNX for doing your 'settings comparisons' and rating/categorising if wanted and once done open the image from there into your editor.
    Last edited by Stagecoach; 9th December 2017 at 08:55 PM.

  15. #15
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Hi Catherine,

    You're not alone, I tried CaptureNX and couldn't get the hang of it when I was at your stage, then I went another route and never needed it.

    However, as said, I do still use ViewNX2 (in my workflow) and that will show most, if not all, of what you need for now.
    I recall looking at a day's shooting and trying to figure out which (shooting) techniques I was trying that day worked best, so having access to the EXIF data is handy for comparison and it's a valid plan to improve.

    It is possible to get 'bogged down' in the numbers though and that may take enjoyment out of photography if you're not careful.

    You will probably need to 'transition' through Photos on the Mac, but eventually (after a year or two), you may end up in PS CC or something similarly complex, but that'll likely be after you have upgraded camera.


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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Bit puzzled here. If you select "EXIF plus IPTC" to the right of the Metadata label in Library, it certainly shows those

    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program


    Quote Originally Posted by Stagecoach View Post
    Hi Catherine,

    I'm not an LR user although I have it. Looking at the Exif data it lists this appears too limited for what you are after, which is those items that are going to help with your present learning, (e.g. was I in Shutter Priority and how much Exp Comp if any I used for this shot compared with another).

    Whilst there are many independent Exif viewers available I think using these would be overkill and likely time consuming when what you are looking for is 'quick comparisons'.

    As already mentioned by Dave ViewNX is an ideal tool for this and you also have the advantage of being able to 'rate/class' images in any category you care to decide yourself.

    Until you finally decide what editing software you will use if I were you I would stick with ViewNX for doing your 'settings comparisons' and rating/categorising if wanted and once done open the image from there into your editor.

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by davidedric View Post
    Bit puzzled here. If you select "EXIF plus IPTC" to the right of the Metadata label in Library, it certainly shows those

    Certainly more shooting info with that option Dave but not as much as ViewNX gives but it comes down to what info Catherine wants/needs for her comparisons.

    For info, here's what's available in ViewNX for a Jpeg from one of my Nikons.

    Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    I see it as an advantage if the data available in either LR/ViewNX (or other prog) where you are 'browsing'/'comparing' your pre PPd images gives you what you want without having to undertake a separate operation of using another tool where things are not always in the most logical order.
    Last edited by Stagecoach; 10th December 2017 at 01:47 AM.

  18. #18
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Catherine, why not just download Exiftool ?
    Available for both Windows and Mac.

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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by Cogito View Post
    Catherine, why not just download Exiftool ?
    Available for both Windows and Mac.
    Most here seem to think Catherine can't cope with all EXIF information, and yet here comes a recommendation to download a command-line tool! Pardon my puzzlement . .

  20. #20
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    Re: Complete EXIF data in LR or other editing program

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    Most here seem to think Catherine can't cope with all EXIF information,(
    I don't think it's a case of being able to cope with all possible EXIF info, more the practicability of being able to click from image to image quickly to see comparisons of settings/functions used.

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