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Thread: Deleting images from Photoshop

  1. #1

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    Deleting images from Photoshop

    Can anyone explain to me how to delete images from Photoshop. I have searched everywhere but cannot get an answer that makes any sense
    Cheers Ole

  2. #2
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Latest Photoshop on it's own does not have a library/catalogue function (don't know if earlier versions did), so there is nothing to delete. Do you mean Photoshop Elements or Lightroom ?

    Or do you just want to delete the pictures from your computer?
    Last edited by pschlute; 11th December 2017 at 10:18 AM.

  3. #3

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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by pschlute View Post
    Latest Photoshop on it's own does not have a library/catalogue function (don't know if earlier versions did), so there is nothing to delete. Do you mean Photoshop Elements or Lightroom ?

    Or do you just want to delete the pictures from your computer?
    I have the latest version of Photoshop 2018.

  4. #4
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by mugge View Post
    I have the latest version of Photoshop 2018.
    But that has no catalogue, so there is nothing to delete a picture from ?

    if you want to delete the picture from your computer just navigate to the folder containing the file and delete it
    Last edited by pschlute; 11th December 2017 at 11:07 AM.

  5. #5
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Ole - Photoshop is generally paired with file management tool (Adobe Bridge) or DAM tool (Lightroom) where file management takes place. This is where one would normally delete any files, rather than from Photoshop itself.

    This is a common practice in software. Microsoft Office does not have any way to delete created documents either and we rely on our computer's file management system to do that operation.

  6. #6
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Isn't Photoshop cloud based which means you never really delete files?

  7. #7
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Isn't Photoshop cloud based which means you never really delete files?
    The last time I checked Photoshop is installed on my computer, although I do have a few images on Adobe's cloud based "MyPortfolio" site.

  8. #8
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Isn't Photoshop cloud based which means you never really delete files?
    No. Images are stored locally (unless you take steps to change that). The "cloud-based" terminology simply means that (1) the software itself is downloaded from the cloud, and (2) the software, which is installed on your local machine, calls home periodically to check that you still have a valid subscription.

    There are no photos in photoshop to be deleted. You can simply delete them from the operating system, as you would any other file, as long as you are not using a database program like Lightroom. If you are, delete from within Lightroom to avoid having your database out of sync.

  9. #9
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop


    Possibly one source of confusion is that if you start PS CC 2018 (not Bridge), it will show you a page of thumbnails, or a list of file names, which are simply its memory of "Recent" files you have worked on.

    This doesn't mean they are 'in' PS and so they do not need to be deleted - as others have said, navigate to the folder where the image is stored and delete it there, using your computer. If you hover your cursor over the thumbnail image, a 'tool tip' will tell you where it is located on the HDD.

    Or you could use Bridge or LR to delete it, probably a good idea in fact (especially if you use LR).

    I have just tested this, the thumbnails I see when I open PS CC 2018 showed me a certain file, I used Win 10 to rename that file, I reopened PS CC and it still showed in the list with the old file name, as I was sure it would. I was also unsurprised that when I tried to open that file, PS CC said it couldn't find it and only then removed it from the list.
    May be this is what's causing confusion?


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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Thank you all for the information.
    Cheers Ole

  11. #11
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Ole, perhaps you can give some feedback as to what exactly you are trying to do? You have had a number of suggestions, but we are all still in the dark until you give more details.

    If it is simply that you want to clear the "recent files" list that Dave refers to, you can do this in Photoshop by File/Open Recent and select "clear recent history". This just stops the thumbnails appearing, it does not delete the files from your computer.

  12. #12
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by photoiana View Post
    I suggest you watch this video
    I don't think this answers the question that was being asked.

  13. #13
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    One of the things that I like about Adobe Bridge and Photoshop is that they don't have any integral libraries. Images are stored in folders on your hard drive (or any ancillary drives that you use, including cloud). To me this is an easier way to store and file my images. I got all kinds of confused using Adobe Photoshop Elements and Lightroom because of the libraries.

    I tried using Elements without the library and my older computer froze up.

    I keep my CR2 RAW images (the ones that I have not erased) as well as my PSD master images in folders by the date shot. I keep my working images (cropped sized and sharpened for output) in libraries by the content. I don't work with hundreds of thousands of images but, can keep my multiple thousands quite well.

  14. #14
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Quote Originally Posted by rpcrowe View Post
    I got all kinds of confused using Adobe Photoshop Elements and Lightroom because of the libraries.

    I used Elements for many years and recently started using Lightroom instead.

    Your files are stored where you choose to place them during "import". I have all my raw and processed files in date folders. The "Library" is simply a reference tool so you can find files quickly either by date taken, or by adding keywords, or better still adding the photos to "collections". You can even search by metadata , ie search for a specific lens or even a specific f stop used.

    If I were to uninstall Lightroom my picture files would remain in the same place in the the same folder structure.

    The option to have your photos stored in the cloud is just that, an option, which I dont use.

  15. #15
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop


    I suggest closing this thread. This last post, like #12, is not on target. The OP's original question, which was posted 8 months ago, has been answered, as the poster indicated.

    I'm also a bit concerned that the two off-subject posts, the most recent and #12, had live links and were posted by people who gave no personal information and were never on the forum other than to make those posts. Might have been entirely legit attempts to help, but it makes me concerned about possible phishing.


  16. #16
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Deleting images from Photoshop

    Done Dan. I will be deleting the two off-topic posts as well.

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