Originally Posted by
That's interesting. I would be interested in seeing comparisons. You certainly lose pixels by cropping like that:
7DII, entire frame: 19.96 MP
7D I, entire frame: 17.92 MP
5DIII cropped to APS-C sensor dimensions: 8.64 MP.
This loss of detail won't generally be apparent online unless one crops severely because of the low resolution of computer monitors. Printing is another matter. And there may be other attributes of the particular FF in question that offset this consideration anyway, e.g., in my case (7DI and 5DIII), low-light characteristics.
I don't do many birds, but I almost always use the crop because I know I will often have to crop substantially in postprocessing, even with my longest (400mm) lens.
BTW, when I got my 100-400, I did an A/B comparison to see the effect of increasing the reach of the 5DIII by using a Canon 1.4X II teleconverter. Condition 1 was 5DIII, the lens at 400mm, and the teleconverter. Condition 2 was the 7D with the 100-400 set at 350 mm, which is the same angle of view. No contest: the second was much sharper. I assume the main issue was the 1.4 x teleconverter, not the focal length setting of the lens.
But in any case, this isn't much data, so if you have a few image pairs that illustrate your point, I'd be eager to see them. It might change what I do, since I have both options.