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Thread: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    I took advantage of the subtle light before the sun fully rose. At this time of year I get nasty looming shadows of me, the tripod and anything sticking more than three cm out of the ground due to the low sun angle.
    The as yet unrisen sun is directly behind me, lighting the western horizon and providing enough light to work with. I did desaturate and lighten the snow for effect as it was quite a dark blue. I felt "cheating" was warranted as if Mother Nature will not provide then I must amend her shortcomings and present her as she would want. She has not complained to this point; I take the silence as tacit consent.

    Pre Dawn Abandoned house

  2. #2
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Wonderful image. Really gives the impression of desolation. I might consider cloning out the dark structure image right...

  3. #3
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Good point Richard I will try a variant with the smaller shed and swing gone. Will make the image simpler, and i suspect more effective.

  4. #4
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Nicely done, I like those pinks behind the house and I guess it would've been spooky if you'd seen smoke coming from the house.

  5. #5

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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    I really admire your dedication, Trevor. I have no shortage of ideas for shots I'd like to try but find it harder and harder to motivate myself to do what is required to execute.

    I had to look at this one in the LB at full size to appreciate it. I love the pastel colors and detail of the structure and trees. As has already been pointed out, consider applying the old adage to the effect that anything which doesn't add to the image takes away from it.

  6. #6
    lovelife65's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Absolutely love this image. Gorgeous and stark all at the same time.

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    A Masterpiece of yours!!!

  8. #8
    BrianA61's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Great shot. I absolutely LOVE shooting old buildings. They draw me to them like a moth to a porch light. Don't know why I find them very photogenic. I might've even gotten a little closer to get a larger view of the house, still with the offset you have for your composition. Love the color contrast as well.

  9. #9
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    This is a really haunting image. Great work.

    I'm of two minds about the suggestion to clone out the structure on the right. It's true that it draws the eye because it is a high-contrast object on the edge, but cloning it out might leave too large a stretch of negative space. An option would be to crop it out. I played with doing that, taking off a modest amount of the empty sky (same reason, but more so: no detail), and removing a very small amount from the left for a number of reasons. See whether you think cropping would help.

    Either way, a great image.

    Pre Dawn Abandoned house

  10. #10
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Quote Originally Posted by BrianA61 View Post
    Great shot. I absolutely LOVE shooting old buildings. They draw me to them like a moth to a porch light. Don't know why I find them very photogenic. I might've even gotten a little closer to get a larger view of the house, still with the offset you have for your composition. Love the color contrast as well.
    I have six or so shots from different distances and sites. I usually do this if something looks to have potential. Both so I have other variants to work with and also so i avoid being rooted to one spot, stuck in my initial mindset

  11. #11
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    This is a really haunting image. Great work.

    I'm of two minds about the suggestion to clone out the structure on the right. It's true that it draws the eye because it is a high-contrast object on the edge, but cloning it out might leave too large a stretch of negative space. An option would be to crop it out. I played with doing that, taking off a modest amount of the empty sky (same reason, but more so: no detail), and removing a very small amount from the left for a number of reasons. See whether you think cropping would help.

    Either way, a great image.

    Pre Dawn Abandoned house
    Thanks for the version. Changes the intent from my original "small in the immensity of land and sky" to a another feeling. But still works well I feel. Always good to have another educated mind/eye look at the images as an educational exercise.

  12. #12
    pschlute's Avatar
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    Re: Pre Dawn Abandoned house

    Beautiful image, either with or without the building on the right. The ever so subtle colours make this for me. Well done.

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