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Thread: Every Time I Upgrade

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Every Time I Upgrade

    Every time I upgrade an Adobe product, things seem to turn to crap

    I upgraded my CC subscription both Photoshop and Bridge. Now I can't open my image from Adobe Bridge to Adobe Photoshop by either double clicking on the image or by using the open command.

    First time was opening several JPEG images and I got a notice that went something like, "there is no program to open these images". Now opening a test RAW image I get some program called Phototastic Collage.

    Have I been hijacked or something???

    When I go to Photoshop, I can find the images that I downloaded from the memory card using Adobe Bridge and I can open these images in Photoshop just fine.

    It is just that my Adobe Bridge is not communicating with my Adobe Photoshop!

    I went to Adobe Bridge FILE PREFERENCES> FILE TYPE ASSOCIATIONS> and I added Photoshop to the file type associations for JPEG and for Canon RAW.

    Both RAW and JPEG open in Photoshop O.K. from Bridge now. I don't know what happened with Phototastic Collages unless Bridge, not having a file type association for a CR2 image, found Phototastic Collages...
    Last edited by rpcrowe; 16th December 2017 at 12:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Every Time I Upgrade

    Good to hear.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Every Time I Upgrade

    It's not an Adobe problem, but rather an operating system problem. As you have noted, the default file associations in the operating system got messed up for some reason or other.

  4. #4
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Every Time I Upgrade

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    It's not an Adobe problem, but rather an operating system problem. As you have noted, the default file associations in the operating system got messed up for some reason or other.
    yes, I have had this happen many times with other software, often after upgrades but sometimes for no reason that I can discern. Just a few days ago, Windows 7 on one of my machines changed the association for zip files, and I had to change it back manually. In most cases, you can do this either within the software or in the operating system.

    I'd read about this particular instance, but I don't use bridge much, so I don't yet know whether it happened on my computer.

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