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Thread: Camera Memory Speeds

  1. #1

    Camera Memory Speeds

    I currently shoot sports at high speed for the action shots. Would it make a difference if I were to use a compact flash at 30/s vs 60/s, or 90/s? Right now I use 4gig, 8gig, or 12gig 30/s.

    My camera error on me the other day as I was in the middle of shooting at high speed. The one thing that came to mind was the memory card was not fast enough. Do you think that could have been the problem or do you think it's something else?


  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Memory

    Quote Originally Posted by peppy12 View Post
    I currently shoot sports at high speed for the action shots. Would it make a difference if I were to use a compact flash at 30/s vs 60/s, or 90/s? Right now I use 4gig, 8gig, or 12gig 30/s.

    My camera error on me the other day as I was in the middle of shooting at high speed. The one thing that came to mind was the memory card was not fast enough. Do you think that could have been the problem or do you think it's something else?

    What model camera are you using and what is the spec. on frames per second? If you can put your camera in continuous mode for multiple shots it should be fast enough to record the maximum number of frames specified for the camera. As for the error message, is it one documented by your camera or is it just a memory error?

  3. #3
    timo2's Avatar
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    Re: Memory

    Quote Originally Posted by peppy12 View Post
    I currently shoot sports at high speed for the action shots. Would it make a difference if I were to use a compact flash at 30/s vs 60/s, or 90/s? Right now I use 4gig, 8gig, or 12gig 30/s.

    My camera error on me the other day as I was in the middle of shooting at high speed. The one thing that came to mind was the memory card was not fast enough. Do you think that could have been the problem or do you think it's something else?

    High speed memory cards really do make a difference. On slow cards, even shooting one frame a second for extended periods can cause problems as the camera buffer fills up.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Memory

    Hi Peppy,

    My quick comment would be that if it were just "not fast enough", that should only slow down shooting, not cause an "error".

    So if you got an error, there could be another problem with that card, the camera, battery or lens - I'm guessing as you didn't say what it said and some errors are non-specific anyway and leave you guessing.


  5. #5

    Re: Memory

    Thanks everybody for the response!

    The camera I use is a Nikon D200 with an Nikon 80-200mm 2.8. The error message didn't give details it just said error on the control panle where the shutter speed is normally displayed.

    Last edited by Colin Southern; 6th November 2010 at 02:21 AM.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Memory

    I think the only time I have seen that is with an old manual/mechanical lens attached when the control dial gets turned off Manual onto some Auto mode, e.g. A, S, P, Auto or a scene mode. Not familiar with that lens to know itsw age, so this may be irrelevant.

  7. #7
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Memory

    Quote Originally Posted by peppy12 View Post
    Thanks everybody for the responce!

    The camera I use is a Nikon D200 with an Nikon 80-200mm 2.8. The error message didn't give details it just said error on the control panle where the shutter speed is normally displayed.

    I believe you stated you were using 4 and 8gig CF cards and the D200 was originally designed for a 1gig card. Have you ever lost images using the larger capacity cards? You probably need to re-format the card in camera or update the firmware.

  8. #8

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    Have a guess :)

    Re: Memory

    This might help with the "speed" question ...

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