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Thread: Aboriginal faces

  1. #1
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    Aboriginal faces

    I get the chance to photograph many amazing people, I only wish i knew what i was doing. sorry for the watermarks. What are some of the things people look for when trying to capture a face up close?

    Aboriginal faces

    Aboriginal faces

    Aboriginal faces

    Aboriginal faces

    Aboriginal faces

  2. #2

    Join Date
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    Brisbane, Australia
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    Tony Watts

    Re: Aboriginal faces

    I enjoy these images. They show an interesting variety of people and I feel as though i would like to meet them. If Roebourne is a clue, I would guess they are taken in Western Australia. I think you have done quite well.

    There are many people here who are more expert about portraiture than I am, but for what it is worth I have a few comments.

    In number 1, the lighting looks to me to be too directly from the front.

    In number 2, it is the opposite. It would be better with the light more from the side front than from the back to get the eyes less shaded. Also, the picture needs to be rotated to get the verticals in the background showing as vertical. Perhaps you could have found a better background.

    The face in number 3 is especially interesting to me and the lighting works. I would think about cropping to make the picture narrower and perhaps not so central and it would have been better to have avoided the box in the background.

    The idea of the background in number 4 is good but perhaps could be arranged better. It's nice to show the context like that though. It's a pity the face is so much in the dark.

    In number 5, the background is too bright but there is such a tender feeling about it that all else can be forgiven.

    It looks to me that you have a special relationship with these people.

  3. #3
    gcowan's Avatar
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    Re: Aboriginal faces

    Hi Neurai,
    These are really nice images.
    There is no right or wrong in most of the variables just what you want to show and say. Having said that I think that the first image has missed the focus point. It looks as though you have focused on the woman's right cheek and that means that the right eye is in acceptable focus but the left eye is too soft. It would have more impact if you had focussed on the right eye and because you are so close the left eye should be acceptably sharp. If you have the facility you could fake the focus by careful drawing of a line around the iris and pupil in post processing. The light is fine for an environmental portrait and though positioning a little to the right or left would improve the image a little.
    Something to consider for all of the images is that the light in our glorious country is really strong and contrasty especially in the middle of the day, you just have to work and struggle with it. I think you have done a good job.
    Image 2 is lovely. Again the contrasty light makes it difficult but I like the light coming from slightly behind. The back light gives a soft feel. You might be able to reduce the contrast on the face and bring more detail up in the shadow area but don't over do it.

    Image 3 is great my favourite by far. I love the tension that the bright light from behind the trees gives to the expression. The lighting is really good, in a studio they would call it lighting the short side of the face (the side away from the camera.) It always adds drama or a little something to that look. I wouldn't worry about the box it is out of focus and does not distract, but I would darken the drum on the right of the image below the box.

    Where were these images made?

  4. #4

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    Re: Aboriginal faces

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyW View Post
    I enjoy these images. They show an interesting variety of people and I feel as though i would like to meet them. If Roebourne is a clue, I would guess they are taken in Western Australia. I think you have done quite well.

    There are many people here who are more expert about portraiture than I am, but for what it is worth I have a few comments.

    In number 1, the lighting looks to me to be too directly from the front.

    In number 2, it is the opposite. It would be better with the light more from the side front than from the back to get the eyes less shaded. Also, the picture needs to be rotated to get the verticals in the background showing as vertical. Perhaps you could have found a better background.

    The face in number 3 is especially interesting to me and the lighting works. I would think about cropping to make the picture narrower and perhaps not so central and it would have been better to have avoided the box in the background.

    The idea of the background in number 4 is good but perhaps could be arranged better. It's nice to show the context like that though. It's a pity the face is so much in the dark.

    In number 5, the background is too bright but there is such a tender feeling about it that all else can be forgiven.

    It looks to me that you have a special relationship with these people.
    I agree with your comments, but what surprised me that the people did agreed to be photographed, as usually they do not like it, which I can understand........


  5. #5
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Aboriginal faces

    Nice series.

  6. #6
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    Re: Aboriginal faces

    Wow thanks TonyW and gcowan,

    I got a lot out of your comments especially the "lighting the short side of the face" information thanks.

    Many of you guys have made reference to the comfort of the people in the shots, you are right its not usually something that is photographed in this way i am surprised that was reflected, I would love to share some of my favorites but these people i know wouldn't mind me sharing.

    Most of these shots have an epic story behind them, the old man Harry with the black and red Yindjibarndi Shirt on is celebrating after a 12 year long fight in the federal courts for native title to his land, the longest battle of its kind, and this only the short version of that particular day. this is an exceptionally happy looking harry also.

    Number 3 is also my favorite, I captured this after she had walked away to wash the hair dye out of her hair her grand daughter had just given her and about 8 other old ladies. It was a fast shot but I'm lucky it turned out the way it did in focus, i would have loved the scene to be different and the box is a shame, but i find all I'm doing is capturing moments when I'm shooting, i always feel a little odd asking for people to move around and pose for lighting and i end up just missing the moment, so i tend to just wait for something great to happen.

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