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Thread: Working in JPEG & Gimp

  1. #1

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    Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Why would I do this you ask? Because my hard drive went west and took my Capture 1 with it. I tried Rawtherapee but it is too complex to use for the couple of weeks my hard-drive woes will continue.

    I shot in Jpeg, manual and black and white. Processing was done in Gimp which I used to use but I sure have forgotten a lot. All in all I have enjoyed the challenge. Which is good cause until my hard-drive returns I'll be playing in Jpeg and maybe even some of the auto programs. SOOC here I come!

    Working in JPEG & Gimp

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Nice you have a backup, I have it installed but rarely use it; did so once to try and work in CMYK colorspace but there is some sort of plug-in I need.

  3. #3

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    Re: Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Quote Originally Posted by Shadowman View Post
    Nice you have a backup, I have it installed but rarely use it; did so once to try and work in CMYK colorspace but there is some sort of plug-in I need.
    as one of my mentors used to say ' make sure you have a rock in your back pocket before you shoot your last arrow'

  4. #4
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Nice to see that you are back Brian. Using a "Plan B" or "Plan C" in the interim while your computer gets repaired is better than no plan at all.

    Look on the bright side; forcing yourself to work with SOOC images is not a bad thing either as it enforces a certain discipline on you now that you "can't fix it in post". I suspect you will come away from the experience as a better photographer.

  5. #5

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    Re: Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    Nice to see that you are back Brian. Using a "Plan B" or "Plan C" in the interim while your computer gets repaired is better than no plan at all.

    Look on the bright side; forcing yourself to work with SOOC images is not a bad thing either as it enforces a certain discipline on you now that you "can't fix it in post". I suspect you will come away from the experience as a better photographer.
    I sure hope so.

  6. #6
    plugsnpixels's Avatar
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    Re: Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Brian, are you on laptop or desktop? If desktop PC, cloning the hard drive regularly to a separate backup one can get you back up and running immediately as you would just swap them out. If using a laptop or sealed iMac, you can still boot and run externally via USB, etc. as a workaround. With non-Apple laptops you should also be able to do the hard drive swap trick.

  7. #7

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    Re: Working in JPEG & Gimp

    Quote Originally Posted by plugsnpixels View Post
    Brian, are you on laptop or desktop? If desktop PC, cloning the hard drive regularly to a separate backup one can get you back up and running immediately as you would just swap them out. If using a laptop or sealed iMac, you can still boot and run externally via USB, etc. as a workaround. With non-Apple laptops you should also be able to do the hard drive swap trick.
    Desktop PC and I'll look into this. Thanks

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