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Thread: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

  1. #1

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    Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    As some of you are aware, we have been running these challenges for several years. Now, as another year approaches, it is time for any interested CinC member to begin some serious thinking about the next challenge.

    Information here:

    2017 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index
    and now here too:
    2018 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index

    It is an informal personal challenge to post at least one image per week for 52 weeks. It is not a competition and there are no winners; although completing the challenge may give you a warm feeling of smug satisfaction.

    The 'rules' are reasonably vague so you can vary your input a little to suit personal commitments, weather, illness, etc. For example, it is acceptable to shoot two images in the same week and post them in successive weeks or if you miss a couple of posting dates you can do a catch up as you are able.

    There aren't any fixed subjects, it is completely up to you. Some members attempt some form of personal challenge to stretch their abilities or just to improve their general photography skills. For example, last year (2016) I set myself the challenge of including a person or animal somewhere in every image. This year (2017) I have avoided the common image sizes of 3 x 2 or 5 x 4 ratio.

    If you can't make the full 52 weeks you can drop out at any time and it is also possible for any new members to enter their personal challenge part way through the year.

    So, any takers for the 2018 Challenge?
    Last edited by Dave Humphries; 11th January 2018 at 09:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    I am in again..I spent the first year I participated in learning more of Photoshop. 2017 I spent improving my initial capture. In 2018 I have several areas in mind to improve my images but have not settled on any particular one. I think I should just say that in 2018 I want to continue to grow.

  3. #3
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    I'm probably crazy to have a go at this again since my subject matter is limited but I think I'd like to join in anyway. It is motivation to meet a deadline (in my mind) and have a suitable photo displayed for comments and suggestions! Also I have a Macro lens now that I want to become familiar with. I also hope to add a long focus lens for birds and will need plenty of practice using it. So yes, count me in for 2018. And thank you for the invite!

  4. #4
    sachtjen's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    I'm in.

    Last year I started to do a 52 week challenge posted to PetaPixel by Dale Foshe. I didn't make it much past the first quarter before I lost some steam. But, I did enjoy it while I was doing it. It pushed me to look at some styles and subjects I wouldn't have attempted otherwise.

    Foshe has posted a new challenge this year. I'm going to use it for inspiration but I may not follow it 100%. My local camera club also has assignments and who knows what areas I will want to explore on my own.

    FYI, if anyone is interested, here it the list I am talking about:

    Dogwood 52 Week Photo Challenge 2018

  5. #5

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Last year a few people 'fell by the wayside' for various reasons. But that shows the versatility of this challenge; you can miss a few weeks when required then join in again later when circumstances are more favourable for you.

  6. #6
    purplehaze's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Thanks, Geoff. I’ll give it another go. Although I am one of the slackers, I seem to be getting further each year, so I would like to see if I can’t earn that right to a bit of smug.

  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Hi Geoff, and 2018 P52'ers ...

    A) Would it be useful if I create and update links to everyone's 2018 P52 quarterly threads, like I did last year?

    If so;
    B) Shall I create a separate new thread (e.g. a clone last year's - as linked to by Geoff first post above)
    C) Add it in this post in this thread?
    D) Edit Geoff's first post and put it up there? (so it's easier to find)

    I ask because cloning seems a bit redundant now Geoff has this one running.


    Geoff - Thanks for kicking off this year's round in my absence

  8. #8

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    I would suggest, Dave, doing virtually the same as last year. But remove those threads about the 2016 and 2017 Projects to avoid any confusion.

    Maybe just a brief mention in the new thread about some members doing similar challenges in previous years.

  9. #9
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    I want to follow this thread this year and, perhaps, get up to speed enough to join in next year. I really need to learn to print well, but know I will not be able to really concentrate this year. Is it ok if I as questions as the year goes along?

  10. #10
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by Urbanflyer View Post
    I want to follow this thread this year and, perhaps, get up to speed enough to join in next year. I really need to learn to print well, but know I will not be able to really concentrate this year. Is it ok if I as questions as the year goes along?
    Hi Judith,

    This isn't the P52 Print challenge thread, Manfred has one of those here. There are at least four or five members that have started that already.

    This thread relates to the more the 'normal' online variety of P52


  11. #11
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Judith,

    This isn't the P52 Print challenge thread, Manfred has one of those here. There are at least four or five members that have started that already.

    This thread relates to the more the 'normal' online variety of P52

    oops--I do want to do the usual 52 week challenge again..

  12. #12

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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    In that case, Judith, just start your personal Project 52 thread in a similar manner to last year when you are ready to upload your first 2018 image. I have already begun mine here.

    2018 Project 52 by Geoff F - 1st Quarter

    Then just your post images as and when you are able.

  13. #13
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by Geoff F View Post
    As some of you are aware, we have been running these challenges for several years. Now, as another year approaches, it is time for any interested CinC member to begin some serious thinking about the next challenge.

    Information here:

    2017 Project 52 - Guidelines, FAQ and Index

    It is an informal personal challenge to post at least one image per week for 52 weeks. It is not a competition and there are no winners; although completing the challenge may give you a warm feeling of smug satisfaction.

    The 'rules' are reasonably vague so you can vary your input a little to suit personal commitments, weather, illness, etc. For example, it is acceptable to shoot two images in the same week and post them in successive weeks or if you miss a couple of posting dates you can do a catch up as you are able.

    There aren't any fixed subjects, it is completely up to you. Some members attempt some form of personal challenge to stretch their abilities or just to improve their general photography skills. For example, last year (2016) I set myself the challenge of including a person or animal somewhere in every image. This year (2017) I have avoided the common image sizes of 3 x 2 or 5 x 4 ratio.

    If you can't make the full 52 weeks you can drop out at any time and it is also possible for any new members to enter their personal challenge part way through the year.

    So, any takers for the 2018 Challenge?

  14. #14
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    My 52 week challenge is My World in Black & White. I committed to this challenge before finding this inspiring group. Because most of my blogging friend were #365somethingin2018, which I cannot possible commit to, I was searching for a place to fit in.

  15. #15
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Humphries View Post
    Hi Geoff, and 2018 P52'ers ...

    A) Would it be useful if I create and update links to everyone's 2018 P52 quarterly threads, like I did last year?

    If so;
    B) Shall I create a separate new thread (e.g. a clone last year's - as linked to by Geoff first post above)
    C) Add it in this post in this thread?
    D) Edit Geoff's first post and put it up there? (so it's easier to find)

    I ask because cloning seems a bit redundant now Geoff has this one running.


    Geoff - Thanks for kicking off this year's round in my absence
    Hi Dave - In reply to your question, it would be helpful if there would be a 2018 sticky thread in the category "Nature and Architecture" that would list links to all of our 2018 P52 (Photo) work. I enjoy seeing others' work and learning from them and I don't want to miss anyone when I'm reading CiC. I'm not sure what you and Geoff have in mind, but last year's list worked for me.

    I appreciate both Geoff's "push" and you for keeping this challenge going!
    Thank you to both of you!

  16. #16
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    There is now a 'Sticky' thread for the 2018 P52 in "Nature and Architecture".




  17. #17
    skitterbug's Avatar
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    Re: Project 52 Challenge - 2018

    Thank you Dave!

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