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Thread: New Member

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    New Member

    Just want to say hi and let you know I'm new to forums of any kind. So far I have created a few posts that have vanished, entered a contest, and added an album of photos that I'm not sure what to do with.

    I look forward to figuring things out and joining in with the activities. In the meantime please excuse my posting errors, but feel free to be ruthless with your photo critics.

    [IMG]New Member[/IMG]

  2. #2
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: New Member

    Welcome Art. I know a two Art's and they are both tall Dutchmen and one lived on a boat for about 15 years so I probably have formed a totally incorrect mental image of you...

    I had a quick look at your album and there are some nice photographs there. The above one is probably my least favourite. Interesting but lacks a point of interest to hold my very limited attention.

    Look forward to seeing more of your pictures.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    Re: New Member

    Thanks for your reply. I do suffer from being overly awed by simple natural objects, and your absolutely right about a lack of focus in this photo. Doesn't stop me from starring at it in a sense of wonder, hoping something will pop out and grab me.
    With help from people like yourself I hope to do better.

  4. #4
    pnodrog's Avatar
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    Re: New Member

    One thing that you need to understand in photography is that photographs you really like because they remind you of an experience or setting do not necessarily appeal to viewers that did not share the experience or setting. The only thing they see is the image as presented. You will end up with lots of images you enjoy but know will not be of great interest to others. It's a tough life....

  5. #5
    New Member
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    Re: New Member

    My name is Augie Garcia, a retired Real Estate Broker. living in California.
    I got interested in photography last year, especially land and seascapes, flowers and animals.
    Also looking into macro photography in the future.
    My current gear consists of a Nikon D5500, Nikon 18-200 VR and Nikon 50mm 1.8, and of course filters, tripod, etc.
    I find myself absorbed into the wonderful world of photography and look forward to learn and share in the forum.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: New Member

    Quote Originally Posted by augieg27 View Post
    My name is Augie Garcia, a retired Real Estate Broker. living in California.
    I got interested in photography last year, especially land and seascapes, flowers and animals.
    Also looking into macro photography in the future.
    My current gear consists of a Nikon D5500, Nikon 18-200 VR and Nikon 50mm 1.8, and of course filters, tripod, etc.
    I find myself absorbed into the wonderful world of photography and look forward to learn and share in the forum.
    Welcome to the CiC forums Agustin,

    There are a lot of very helpful people here who will share their knowledge freely to help you improve.

    All the best,

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