Hi John,
I agree with the others: #1 would be my choice. But even there, one might do some cloning. The branch of the bush just to the left and behind the left ear is distracting. I'm not sure if I would take it out completely, or leave it in for the natural effect, but tone it down significantly. I'd try both to test the effect before calling it final.
As a point of information, John, I print all my keepers. I use Canon papers almost exclusively, and a low end Canon printer. Although I use Lightroom for most of my editing, I usually print from PSE.
I agree with Manfred regarding "excessive editing," and see nothing wrong with removing or toning down the branch in this image - because it doesn't affect "the story" one way or another, and the image is not likely to be used for journalistic purposes anyway. But adding, deleting, or substantially altering any element in a journalistic image - to the extent that it changes the story the image
wants to tell, is wrong, if not illegal.
I'm looking forward to following your project. Thanks for including all of us.