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Thread: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

  1. #1
    Alis's Avatar
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    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    These are a few of the 600 something pictures I shot recently at a local historic cemetery. I love these cemeteries and cemetery shots, specially in Fall; a combination of history with architecture and vegetation

    Nothing artistic in my set but I thought it is a nice set to brows through. Please feel free to comment and of course add yours:

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

  2. #2
    David's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Ali - I was going to post these a year or more ago following a visit to Crete, but felt too concerned by what I had seen. However, having looked at this thread I think these are worth adding to the general memorabilia to be found on the Web. They are all from the War Cemeteries on Crete, both the German one at Maleme and Allied ones at Souda Bay. They are posted with respect to all who died.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    The numbers of German dead were so high that when the final cemetery was built a few years ago, they had to be buried two to a grave.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    The cemetery is vast and contains the remains of Germans who had previously been killed and buried in graves all over the island.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    All the graves are planted over with mesembryanthmums, the colours of which are those in the German flag.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    The Allied cemetery at Soda Bay contains the remains of not only Second World War casualties but also those from the First World War and from previous encounters in the Med.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Again, there are many, many graves to the unknown.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    And, of course, most of the troops were from what became the Commonwealth.

    All very, very sad.


  3. #3
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    You shouldn't expect people to die for a lie, it isn't sad, it's evil. However on a lighter note this managed to get about 140th in a comp of 140.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    I think it is quite good but then I'm strange.

    I like #6 and #8 the best Alis. Who is Griggs, the name appears quite often here? I think it is hard to take photo's of cemetery's, quiet though.

    Don't you always get the feeling your being watched, I do.
    Last edited by arith; 8th November 2010 at 11:29 PM. Reason: addition

  4. #4
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Since my other hobby is genealogy, I love old graveyards. Very nice coverage of some very different monument sites...

  5. #5
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Quote Originally Posted by David View Post
    Ali - I was going to post these a year or more ago following a visit to Crete, but felt too concerned by what I had seen. However, having looked at this thread I think these are worth adding to the general memorabilia to be found on the Web. They are all from the War Cemeteries on Crete, both the German one at Maleme and Allied ones at Souda Bay. They are posted with respect to all who died.

    All very, very sad.

    Thanks, David. Great set. It is amazing how powerful a piece of carved stone can be. I never could imagine going to war and fighting under fire. Those were some truly brave men!

  6. #6
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Quote Originally Posted by arith View Post
    You shouldn't expect people to die for a lie, it isn't sad, it's evil. However on a lighter note this managed to get about 140th in a comp of 140.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    I think it is quite good but then I'm strange.

    I like #6 and #8 the best Alis. Who is Griggs, the name appears quite often here? I think it is hard to take photo's of cemetery's, quiet though.

    Don't you always get the feeling your being watched, I do.
    Thanks, Arith. Not sure who Grigg is, should read more about the history of New England, when I get a chance.

    And you are completely right about the feeling of being watched. It is I guess because the place is usually so quite, so a small disturbance makes you feel someone is approaching you. Anyway, I kept looking back a lot.!

  7. #7

    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    These local stones had fallen over and had been placed against a nearby tree - hence the title Laid to Rest

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

  8. #8
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Just add 'MacKenzie'

    In Memory of Katharine

    This one has been on the site before. It's not going to win awards, but I have a soft spot for it.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground
    40D Tokina 11-16 f2.8 @ 11mm. 1/80@f11. ISO 100. Manual.
    Last edited by Donald; 10th November 2010 at 06:07 PM.

  9. #9

    Re: In Memory of Katharine

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground
    40D Tokina 11-16 f2.8 @ 11mm. 1/80@f11. ISO 100. Manual.
    I do like that, very much. The tree silhouettes are great.

  10. #10
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Quote Originally Posted by carregwen View Post
    These local stones had fallen over and had been placed against a nearby tree - hence the title Laid to Rest

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground
    Very nice, Rob!

    I like the composition and also the purple tint of the tombstone a lot. And the title selection is also masterfully done. Great shot!

  11. #11
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: In Memory of Katharine

    Quote Originally Posted by Donald View Post
    This one has been on the site before. It's not going to win awards, but I have a soft spot for it.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground
    40D Tokina 11-16 f2.8 @ 11mm. 1/80@f11. ISO 100. Manual.
    I like it too. Now I have to try some of these places in Winter. We usually do not have any shortage of snow around here.

  12. #12
    mythlady's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Lovely pictures so far --

    I took this one yesterday and am happy with it, except for the piece of dark shadow . It was early in the morning, which gave it a nice light, except for that. I don't use flash as a rule but need to get into it. Would flash have helped? Would that have washed out the rest of the stone? I'm really ignorant in the area of flash, as you can guess. I do like the spider, though.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

  13. #13
    arith's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    No; yous are the winner. any good stuff here gets to be supernatural.

  14. #14
    Alis's Avatar
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    Re: Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground

    Quote Originally Posted by mythlady View Post
    Lovely pictures so far --

    I took this one yesterday and am happy with it, except for the piece of dark shadow . It was early in the morning, which gave it a nice light, except for that. I don't use flash as a rule but need to get into it. Would flash have helped? Would that have washed out the rest of the stone? I'm really ignorant in the area of flash, as you can guess. I do like the spider, though.

    Cemetery Pictures-The Old Burying Ground
    Nice shot, Elise! For a graveyard picture, dark is supposed to be good

    I like the spider!

    As the Great Antonio would say, thanks for posting here


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