Between my Navy retirement and my final retirement I worked assisting people who had disabilities either get jobs or maintain the jobs they were working at. Often this would entail modifying the parameters of the job or finding work-arounds to enable the folks to do their work despite their disabilities.
I used to have a plethora of source material for gizmos and gadgets which would make tasks easier for people to do. I have no longer kept track of that side of my life.
One thing that might make loading memory cards in a camera easier is simply not to do it. Instead use a rather large capacity card and download directly from the camera to your computer, Not the quickest or most efficient way of downloading but, it would bypass having to remove the card from the camera, place it in a card reader and then do the reverse. You could leave the connecting cable plugged into the computer and then just attach it to the camera when you need to download.
A way to move the camera around on a tripod is to fabricate (or have it fabricated by those great Filipino carpenters) a wooden triangle with three casters or wheels. fabricate a way to attach the tripod feet to the corners of the triangle and you will have a dolly you can use to move the camea anywhere the ground is level...
Good luck my friend I can relate to your problems. Walking no longer comes as easily to me as it did when I was younger. My wife keeps telling me that I just don't realize how old and frail I have become
However, every time I wake up on the positive side of the grass, I know that it will be a great day