Nice shot Art. The leading lines of the bridge and shadows work well for me, as do the subtle tones of the background. This could have been a very ordinary photo but you've added your touch to it very well.
My own preferences of course, but I have issues with distracting elements when using leading lines to frame an image and of course, in this case while I was able to eliminate the distractions (Hydro lines), I found the crop not to be as flattering to the primary focus...
Thanks for the replies. I looked at a lot of different angles and crops, and found the widest perspective was the most balanced. 20mm lens.
Removing the power pole is a definite improvement. I did get rid of an ugly yellow sign, but my PS skills lack enthusiasm.
Just a thought but this scene seems a little on the 'top heavy' side to me because of all that featureless black; so I wonder about cropping the top and going widescreen, possibly something like 16 x 9 ratio?