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Thread: Prairie road and field

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Trevor Reeves

    Prairie road and field

    I did not notice at the time of shooting but I have a decidedly pink aspect to the couple of spots where the rising sun lit the field and road. I was waiting for the sun to light the granaries, far off on the eastern horizon there was a small knoll blocking the sun and I had to wait for upper limb of the sun to clear it to light the granaries. The rest of the field and road are in shadow, just the few little spots are lit.

    I tried to mask it out, not really successful as the mask was too obvious.

    Just wondering if the pink spots bother anyone or if I am just being obsessive.

    Weirdly at 100% the effect seems to vanish and and the spot on the field is a more tawny red brown (as I would expect) , not pink

    Prairie road and field

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Prairie road and field

    I probably wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't pointed it out, I think it blends in well with the sky tones.. Nicely captured.

  3. #3
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Thanks John

    After posting this and walking away from the computer I remembered I could create a mask based on colour selection. Did that and desaturated, darkened the areas. Now I am happier with the image.

    One of those things that once it bothers you it becomes an overwhelming flaw

    Prairie road and field
    Last edited by tbob; 19th January 2018 at 08:59 PM.

  4. #4
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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Nice photo...just curious, was the camera at eye level or closer to the ground?

  5. #5
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Quote Originally Posted by Fabcny View Post
    Nice photo...just curious, was the camera at eye level or closer to the ground?
    If memory serves; it was about waist level. I find that about optimal for this sort of thing. Too low and the foreground gravel is inordinately large, too high and the road does not rise up the way I like.

  6. #6

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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Quote Originally Posted by tbob View Post
    ...Just wondering if the pink spots bother anyone or if I am just being obsessive...
    Maybe just a tad obsessive.

    This one must be viewed large to appreciate. I love those early morning pastel colors.

  7. #7

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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Blue sky, flat horizon, and straight roads. Things I haven't seen in awhile and a pleasure to look at.
    Someone else is going to tell you to get rid of the telephone pole.

  8. #8
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernFocus View Post
    Maybe just a tad obsessive..
    Became like a shard of corn between the teeth.

  9. #9
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Prairie road and field

    Quote Originally Posted by Artshot View Post
    Someone else is going to tell you to get rid of the telephone pole.
    I usually clone these things out, or even go so far as to pick roads with no poles to shoot. However this time I purposely left it in. For some aesthetic reason I do not fully understand it just seemed right to have it there. Even left the wires in place.

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