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Thread: Cambs in Colour...?

  1. #1
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    Cambs in Colour...?

    ... so why is there America spillings in the texts,,,,colors etc. I only joined because I thought you are British....over and thanks

  2. #2

    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    If you look at the section that explains the origin of the Cambridge in Colour Forum (to give it its full title) website you will see it did originate in Cambridge, England. However, if you wanted a UK only site you may be disappointed... like any WWW site it is not limited geographically. I am not American but recognize that a lot of site engines default to US English, some have no alternative - personally it doesn't bother me and I just add my anglicised versions to the dictionary.. We are a truly international community of photographers, and the theme of this site is to be mutually supportive and offer constructive criticism and advice to further our members' enjoyment and skills in photography, which to me transcends the issue of dictionaries. There is a very wide range of skill levels, from those brand new to some truly exceptional photographers and those with extremely deep technical skills who are gracious in sharing their knowledge with the community.

    So give us a go!

    But first can I suggest going to and clicking the "My Profile" button at the top of this page and adding your name and where you are from to your profile? it allows us to address one another personally.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 20th January 2018 at 06:29 AM.

  3. #3
    Tringa's Avatar
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Welcome to CiC, CWB.

    I'm with Trev on this one. Although I'm not a very active member on here I do enjoy the international flavour of the forum, and compared to one largely UK forum I know, the good manners.

    I don't mind the different spellings.


  4. #4

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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Hi CWB. If you were looking for a photography club around Cambridge UK, this is not it, I am afraid.

    As to the "America spillings" you refer to ("American spelling"?), I don't see any problem as long as (so long as?) the meaning is clear. As long as the spelling is consistent of course... and people on either side of the pond don't use "effect" as a verb... and don't say "loose" when they mean "lose"... and don't mix "it's" with "its" and "your" with "you are" and "their" with "there"... the list goes on.

  5. #5
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Hello again and thank you for taking the trouble to respond. In retrospect my original might have sounded rude, arrogant, xenophobic &/or challenging and it wasn't intended to; too much brevity and not enough clarity.


    It seems your site is offering far more quality information than many others so I am looking forward to extending my knowledge and appreciation of photography with you and with my fellow enthusiasts from around the world.

  6. #6
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?


    Welcome to CiC. This is the best site I have found for sharing helpful information. I look forward to your participation.

    It was my impression that people have been using whichever spelling they are used to. I hadn't noticed people on the east side of the pond using North American spellings, but perhaps I just didn't notice. It's never a problem, although occasionally someone has to translate an idiom or ask whether it is understood.

    Dem: I no longer have ready access to a copy of the OED, but I believe "effect" as a verb is proper in British English also. It just has a different meaning than "affect." I believe:

    1. The weather affected him. (Correct)
    2. The weather effected him. (Wrong. I assume this is the error you were referring to.)
    3. The downturn effected a change in spending habits. (Correct; the sense is "to bring about," not "to affect")
    4. The downturn affected a change in spending habits (Ambiguous, but wrong in the sense of the preceding).


  7. #7
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Hi Colin,

    Welcome to the CiC forums from me too.

    What sort of subjects do you enjoy shooting?


  8. #8

    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Hi Colin:
    Combining your appreciation of the English language with your location in Spain, would it be fair to ask if you are one of the many expats who are wishing the Brexit vote had never happened?

    I hold a UK passport, as I was born in Northern Ireland and back in January last year, as soon as the whole concept of a Brexit vote was mooted, I applied for an Eire passport on the principle that, while it would be amazing to me that the vote would go as it eventually did, it was better to be safe than sorry. It came through really quickly and I was glad I did so before the rush when the result of the vote came out!

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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    Hi Colin:
    Combining your appreciation of the English language with your location in Spain, would it be fair to ask if you are one of the many expats who are wishing the Brexit vote had never happened?
    I'm not Colin but I can assure you that many Ex-pats with UK pensions regretted the change from 1.55 to 1.25 dollars/pound.
    Last edited by xpatUSA; 20th January 2018 at 07:16 PM.

  10. #10

    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    I'm not Colin but I can assure you that many Ex-pats with UK pensions regretted the change from 1.55 to 1.25 dollars/pound.
    YES!!! Of course... I had not really picked up on the impact of the plummeting pound on those living in the USA or other foreign locations... It seems to me that the whole Brexit thing has been a disaster except for exporters and tourists to the UK...

  11. #11
    Tringa's Avatar
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    No apologies needed, Colin and I don't want to hijack your thread but I too think Brexit is a disaster.

    The Leave campaign played a blinder - appealed to emotive issues and used numbers while the Remain campaign was woeful pathetic, I think because they believed they knew what the out come would be. However, the referendum question was one that should never have been asked in the first place because most people in the UK did not possess enough knowledge to give an informed answer to a question that will have an effect on the country for, probably, decades.

    Sorry, I'll shut up now.


  12. #12
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Welcome to Cambridge in Colour from me too Colin, I suspect I may know you from another forum. But...I could be wrong.

  13. #13
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Just to conclude (or not?) the subject of affect and effect, the mnemonic is RAVEN i.e. A is for Verb and E is for Noun. I promise never again to raise the issue of spilling and grammer on this forum.
    Yes, we are going to suffer badly from Brexit, the fall in our pension values hurt, also as we live in Catalunia (Catalonia in English) it's anyone's guess as to what will happen with the local economy, our rights and freedoms, etc., in the next few years. Catalonian companies are queueing up to de-register their HQs from BCN and move to other autonomous regions, even Freixenet the largest and most respected vintner of Cava sparkling wine is leaving.
    So, my interests? Well one of them is catching up, learning even, on things I don't know and writing a log of what I learn. The Open University has an amazing resource if you're interested in free of charge courses; the one I'm doing at this time is Picturing The Family, and exploration of professional (rather than personal snapshots) photography since the 1860s; what is being said in the photo, to whom, by whom, why, how. If this is of interest have a look at "". That should get you there.
    This OU site is very slow at loading but you can download the entire course to MS Word (or Kindle) which I find better. Off now to find opinions on free of charge photo editing software.....that should keep me quiet for a few hours !.

  14. #14
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Quote Originally Posted by ST1 View Post
    Welcome to Cambridge in Colour from me too Colin, I suspect I may know you from another forum. But...I could be wrong.
    Should I blush ? Photo or aviation forum?

  15. #15
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    Re: Cambs in Colour...?

    Quote Originally Posted by CWB View Post
    Should I blush ? Photo or aviation forum?

    Sent from somewhere in Gods County using Tapatalk

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