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Thread: On Foot in the Grave

  1. #1
    kaskais's Avatar
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    Fernando Cascais

    On Foot in the Grave

    “What is focus and who has the right to say what focus is the legitimate focus?” – Julia Margaret Cameron

    On Foot in the Grave

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Nicely captured and composed.

  3. #3

    Join Date
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    ex Auckland, now Porirua, New Zealand

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    I have commented and particularly liked a number of your images, Fernando. However, am confused by the huge black space underneath this image. His rear foot is not really shown and his face indistinct? We are led to believe that he is old, but especially nowadays that can well be a misconception ....... you invite me to believe, but I am not persuaded! You have done much better, I believe.

  4. #4

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Looking at the subject's dark foot and the angle of his leg, is it perchance a prosthetic? The would make sense with the title...

  5. #5

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    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    I, also, think there is way to much dark space that does nothing for the viewer. That is only my opinion.
    Cheers Ole

  6. #6

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Well... I can see an argument for the dark space as representing the darkness of our non-existence the area above being our world. It could be that by adding to that space the amputated leg has joined that sense of oblivion...

  7. #7
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Just speaking personally, I don't mix photography and conceptual art, so I don't think of the negative space as representing anything else. Actually, to be honest, I don't have much patience for conceptual art at all, but that's taking this thread off track. I think there is too much pure black simply because it is too big an area and carries most of the weight in the image, throwing it out of balance and drawing my eye away from the figure, which is the interesting part. The photo should draw the eye to the main point of interest, IMHO.

  8. #8

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    The photo should draw the eye to the main point of interest, IMHO.
    That's a good comment and in a way that in itself asks a question about what POI the photographer intended. Especially if you consider the quotation at the top of the image.

    I respect that you don't like conceptual art, so you may take a bye on this one, but I can see an argument for the darkness itself dominating the picture because in the end that is what endures - the man is partly engulfed already. (I feel mildly depressed even writing this...).

    As always with this work it generates more questions that it may answer and probably that was the intention from the start.
    Last edited by Tronhard; 25th January 2018 at 12:19 AM.

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Marius Pavel

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Simple, but powerfull!
    My Website: Fotograf Nunta | My Blog: Albume de nunta

  10. #10
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Thought provoking.

    The Shadow's decapitation is a most powerful element.


    Curious Title: was that on purpose and if so for what reason or was it an unintentional misspell?


    'One Foot in the Grave' is the more common expression.

    'One Foot in the Grave' lends itself better as the Title and also is more representative of Cameron's famous quote, [What is focus and who has the right to say what focus is the legitimate focus?] wherein she was aggressively defending the Art of the Craft, against those who were arguing her approach and emphasizing adherence to the Scientific roots of Photography.


  11. #11

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Hi Bill:

    That's an interesting comment. I had assumed it was just a typo, but your comment raises yet another point of question and interpretation. As I gather the OP is not prone to clarification, I fear it may remain a mystery!

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    Thought provoking.

    The Shadow's decapitation is a most powerful element.


    Curious Title: was that on purpose and if so for what reason or was it an unintentional misspell?


    'One Foot in the Grave' is the more common expression.

    'One Foot in the Grave' lends itself better as the Title and also is more representative of Cameron's famous quote, [What is focus and who has the right to say what focus is the legitimate focus?] wherein she was aggressively defending the Art of the Craft, against those who were arguing her approach and emphasizing adherence to the Scientific roots of Photography.


  12. #12
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: On Foot in the Grave


    Lovely to hear from you.

    I trust 2018 brings all that you desire- and more.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tronhard View Post
    . . . I had assumed it was just a typo, but your comment raises yet another point of question and interpretation. As I gather the OP is not prone to clarification, I fear it may remain a mystery!
    My views are:

    > if it is a typo, then the Image, the Title and the Quote are far more meaningful in all aspects

    > I noted the OP’s history expresses his choice is one of very limited Forum engagement. I believe this is my first (maybe second) comment on any of his images, that is primarily because my choice is engagement and not detachment.

    > I am not sure this will remain “a mystery”.

    I am not assuming to second guess the OP’s intentions.

    My comments were solely to clarify what I thought was an unintentional error by the OP.

    Additionally to explain the roots of Cameron’s comments.

    Cameron was/is, (seemingly) a lesser known (female) Photographer and (IMO) is given far too less credit for what she achieved in Portrait Photography, especially and the course and development of Photography, generally.

    Cameron’s quote being adapted the Image, stimulated my comment more than the Image, per se.


  13. #13

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Thanks Bill.

    Very much the same to you!

    I am hoping for rebuilt knees and mobility without pain. Oh, and getting that trip to Moscow, Italy and the UK as my partner's companion would be nice!

  14. #14
    William W's Avatar
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    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    aside -

    But what about the important stuff - 5Ds; 500/4; track down one of the 1200/5.6 . . . the list goes on . . .

    However, I think your priorities are spot on.
    Take care
    CU round.


  15. #15

    Re: On Foot in the Grave

    Ah Bill... I have to admit I have strayed from my Canon family. I bought a Nikon Df and two lenses and love the camera!

    Quote Originally Posted by William W View Post
    aside -

    But what about the important stuff - 5Ds; 500/4; track down one of the 1200/5.6 . . . the list goes on . . .

    However, I think your priorities are spot on.
    Take care
    CU round.


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