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Thread: Photoshop CC Video Editing

  1. #1
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Photoshop CC Video Editing

    I am certainly no a dedicated videographer. In fact, the only videos that I make are very short clips of our rescue dogs in action. These clips are usually less than a minute long but still need some basic editing.

    I have been using my iPhone and editing the videos on that phone using iMovie. However this Scott Kelby YouTube video has changed my ideas about editing video. In five minutes, he gives all the information that a person (who is already familiar with Photoshop) needs to edit short videos.

    The nice thing for me is that I can use my Photoshop experience to edit and transform (color balance, sharpness, etc) the video clips into a quite a decent product.

    It is simple and intuitive (for me) and is fun to work with.

    No, I wouldn't use Photoshop to edit "Gone With The Wind" but, it is all that I need for my short clips and I think that it is all most still photographers need to edit simple and short videos.

    If you already have Photoshop, you already have a simple to use video editor. If you don't have Photoshop and want to edit video, there are other products which would probably be a better deal!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    South Devon, UK

    Re: Photoshop CC Video Editing

    Yes I have used CC for video editing and it has worked for me.

    I have never made much sense of watching videos on how to do things because I can't remember everything shown and when I then try to do the job I am still totally lost. However, I did find a few written articles after searching around the internet and I was able to print those then refer back to them as I did my editing.

    Photoshop video editing does require a bit of thought, beginning with where to find the video section within Photoshop. Selecting the required areas to delete was another area where I struggled at first, but everything eventually made sense and I ended up with joining together various clips to make a 15 minute show. There are sufficient editing tools to cope with most things required by the casual user.

    Still not really sure which format to use during the rendering process because there are so many options but eventually I found one which seems to play on most video players.

  3. #3
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Photoshop CC Video Editing

    I use my Chromebook next to my computer when using YouTube videos to learn how to do anything computer-wise. That way, I can stop the YouTube video or replay it as I am working on the project...

    Before I had my Chromebook, I used to jot down notes on how to do things. That process is a bit slower and not as easy as using the Chromebook!

  4. #4

    Re: Photoshop CC Video Editing

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