About 6 weeks back my hard drive went poof. It was under warranty so no problem. Wrong! My hd wasn't available and they had no idea when one would be. Two choices upgrade or downgrade. Went with the upgrade.
They told me that they would clone my old drive to my new one. But it turns out it wasn't a clone they just transferred some data.
I lost my Capture 1 10.2. No problem I just dl a new copy. Problem! There is no license for 10.2 in my licence page.
Solution. There is a license for 11
My 10.2 activation code worked on 11
I now have 11 on my hd and it is a nice improvement.
Just to maintain my honor I did get in touch with Capture 1 and explained that I didn't buy 11. So far no reply.
I'm thinking that just maybe because i upgraded to 10.2 only a few day before 11 came out they have generously upgraded me for free?
Fingers crossed.