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Thread: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

  1. #1
    tbob's Avatar
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    Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    If I listen to "expert" advice I get two contrasting views on this sort of image. One camp says it is too busy/distracting and this sort of thing, with trees framing the image, is hideous and only rank amateurs do it. The other is the exact opposite and says it gives a sense of perspective and place. Amazes me, the stark dichotomy.

    Opinions, as I respect the people on this forum. I am just curious. My feelings will not be hurt if you hate it. (although I will admit I will probably keep on doing this.)

    Opinions:  Too busy or environment context?

  2. #2
    Moderator Donald's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    I think that works very well. It is obvious what the subject is. Our view to it is not hampered. And it does show the context/environment in which it sits. I think it's a very fine image.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    You have used the trees and underbrush to construct a frame, which last time I checked is a time-honoured compositional tool. My issue with using these visual frames is finding the right balance; too little does not work and too much can overwhelm the subject.

    I think you are close to having found a good balance, but suspect that a 10 - 15% crop on the left might be worth considering. That side of the shot is just a bit too busy for my taste.

  4. #4
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    Quote Originally Posted by Manfred M View Post
    I think you are close to having found a good balance, but suspect that a 10 - 15% crop on the left might be worth considering. That side of the shot is just a bit too busy for my taste.
    +1 to this idea

    Love the very subtle colours/colors

  5. #5
    DanK's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    It's a very appealing image. I agree with Dave that the color is a subtle touch. I agree with Manfred and Dave that a crop from the left would be helpful, for two reasons. The main one is Manfred's: I find the left side too busy, the areas with the trees too large. It distracts me. I tried cropping just to the left of the second birch (?) from the center, roughly balancing the amount of tree space on the two sides. I think it looks better, and it has a secondary benefit: it decenters the barn.

  6. #6

    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    You won't get an argument from me...

    The trees not only form a frame, but give the sense of living nature that is in contrast with the human construct in the middle of the frame.
    Two thumbs up (we need thumb icons! )

  7. #7
    tbob's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    I think this is what you (Manfred, Dave and Dan) meant by the crop. I agree is a better composition with less distracting elements. The trees are aspens (if it matters )

    Opinions:  Too busy or environment context?

    And for those who would rather pluck their eyes out then see the barn framed in trees, I walked out beyond the trees to shoot this

    Opinions:  Too busy or environment context?

  8. #8

    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    Then you have both perspectives (in both senses of the word) covered very well.

  9. #9
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    The problem with your query is that favorable respondents might be marked as rank amateurs and unfavorable respondents ...well just marked. Personally I like the setting, if this were taken at night those wicked thickets would be mandatory for an eerie composition, why shouldn't the branches symbolize something else such as "end of days" or "death". I think sometimes viewers forget that elements in a composition are sometimes more than just dressing, sometimes they represent a theme or symbol and sometimes as Donald said "it does show the context/environment in which it sits".

  10. #10

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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    Interesting to be arriving to this thread after you've posted both images. Because in my mind they tell two very different stories, i.e. suggest different context. First let me say that I like the original image, particularly with the suggested crop. Not sure who the daft (fill in the blank) is who wouldn't think it interesting and well captured.

    So to me the difference in the two is that the first image suggests the entire farm is in a state of disrepair with the barn falling down and the forest encroaching on the fields. The second image is simply and old barn. Perhaps it's been replaced by ultra modern facilities just out of frame to either side.

    Such is the art of still photography. By inclusion/exclusion of objects in the scene one can manipulate the degree of fact/fiction depicted by the image.

  11. #11
    LePetomane's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    I like the simplicity of the cropped version. I see why you had the aspens in the foreground framing the subject but it is too distracting for me.

  12. #12
    Urbanflyer's Avatar
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    Re: Opinions: Too busy or environment context?

    Quote Originally Posted by DanK View Post
    It's a very appealing image. I agree with Dave that the color is a subtle touch. I agree with Manfred and Dave that a crop from the left would be helpful, for two reasons. The main one is Manfred's: I find the left side too busy, the areas with the trees too large. It distracts me. I tried cropping just to the left of the second birch (?) from the center, roughly balancing the amount of tree space on the two sides. I think it looks better, and it has a secondary benefit: it decenters the barn.
    + 1 to Dan's thoughts. Nice shot!

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