Just before I left Canada to return to NZ I passed an art gallery in downtown Victoria. They had on display several works by various artists. I was taken by the relationship between two works by different artists because for me they created a link between how we are when we are young and as we are old and looking back at those images of us in our prime.
In the painting the subject is young, fit, laid back and looking relaxed and confident. The statue, in contrast shows a aged and worn character, leaning forward, shoulders slumped. The facial and other features COULD be those of the same person, which is an amazing fluke.
This was taken hand-held through glass, with very little room for avoiding obstructions and getting the right space etc. around the subject, so don't worry about pixel peeping - it's not meant to be technically perfect. I just found the unintended (according to the shop owner) relationship to be engrossing and poignant.