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Thread: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

  1. #1

    Join Date
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    Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    We happened along to this event where multiple small trains were running. Great fun and photographic heaven!

    Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

  2. #2

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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jim A View Post
    We happened along to this event where multiple small trains were running. Great fun and photographic heaven!

    Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)
    A really nice shot, Jim.

    Seen them little trains in England but not over here, although I'm sure they exist.

    The passengers are quite interesting - Maori-style tattoos on the guy in front and could that be the wife immediately behind, one wonders?

  3. #3
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    Quote Originally Posted by xpatUSA View Post
    A really nice shot, Jim.

    Seen them little trains in England but not over here, although I'm sure they exist.

    The passengers are quite interesting - Maori-style tattoos on the guy in front and could that be the wife immediately behind, one wonders?
    Why not be literal and just title it "Passengers"?

  4. #4

    Join Date
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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    Thanks Ted - you may be right about the tattoos and wife etc. Funnily enough I had not noticed the tattoos, so many people have them in New Zealand for all kinds of reason, including trendy, reinforcing heritage, rebellion, expressing oneself, etc, so am not sure what this one is.

    Well, John, that is a better title, but somewhat bland. However, if you and I try a bit more, then am sure we will tune in to one.

    Here is a much changed image. What do you think please?

    Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

  5. #5

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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    That works OK; but it is a pity that you couldn't have had the whole of the engine as sharp as the driver and first set of passengers. However, that is one of those real life shot problems which so often occur and you can't always overcome them.

  6. #6
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    I prefer the mono flipped version Jim, for a variety of reasons.

    To me, with an interest in the engineering, it is a shame that the locomotive is so blurred, I am undecided whether that's a focus issue - too much of the available DoF seems to be (IMHO) 'wasted' far behind the subject in the distant boarding and greenery. However, it's likely that the locomotive's lateral movement across frame was also contributing to the softness.

    That said (and it's so easy to be smart in hindsight), as I've shot similar scenes/subjects and know the issues.

    The shot still works for me as I see the subject as the girl looking at you - she has eye contact, she is sharp and she is brighter than many other elements in the composition.


    PS Seems Geoff had same thought while I was composing my reply

  7. #7
    shreds's Avatar
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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    With it flipped, the verticals that are noticeably marginally out, somehow become more pronounced and a slight tweak on this might improve the overall appearance, although I go along with the other comments and would suggest the movement of the train across the diagonal is contributing to the minor blur.

    As Dave says… where is the main point of attention?….the front of the loco, the drivers concentration or the girl passenger? Certainly the eye contact in the case of the latter draws the viewer immediately.

  8. #8
    rpcrowe's Avatar
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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    The advantage or disadvantage of viewing images with my small screen Chromebook display is that I don't notice things like the engine being a bit soft... That is until I view the image on my desktop monitor...

  9. #9

    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    Hi Jim: Great shot - and I like both the colour and monochrome images.

    How about this title: "NZ Rail downsizes its services"

  10. #10

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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    Or "NZ government gets what it pays for"

  11. #11
    New Member CurlingCanuck's Avatar
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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    Like the mono photo... "All aboard!"..... "The little engine that can"

  12. #12

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    Re: Small train in movement with people (suggestions for better title?)

    "How about," Honey, I Shrunk the Train." Realy like this photo.

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