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Thread: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

  1. #1

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    Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    I am interested in responses on the composition of the first two. I think I like the idea but I am interested in what others think. The third is a reflection of part of the Sydney skyline in the curved safety mirror at one of the Darling Harbour monorail stations.
    All C&C welcome.


    Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

  2. #2
    Shadowman's Avatar
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    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    The first, nice colors and patterns, would've liked to see less cropping of windows or perhaps a wider view with more completely shown.
    Second, very nice, works for me because this one is more about the colors and reflections.
    Third, similar response as given for second image.

  3. #3
    Moderator Manfred M's Avatar
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    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    Your first two are classic examples of where people would apply a Dutch tilt, to break up a scene that is made up of many horizontal and vertical lines. That being said, the approach is rarely applied to architectural photography as horizontal and vertical lines tend to be the "norm" in that type of work. I don't find it works all that well in the first image, but definitely works on the second as it is much more abstract looking.

    When it comes to the convex mirror shot, the top of the image with the passing train and the buildings in the background. These are interesting and unusual, but the large light coloured equipment boxes dominate the shot and are quite distracting as this element take the viewer's eyes away from the rest of the image.

  4. #4

    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    Second is my favorite, the bright colors and the angle of the shot work well together.

  5. #5
    billtils's Avatar
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    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    +1 on the second being the pick of the set.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    I think this concept could make a very interesting series as you explore variations on the theme

  7. #7
    Wavelength's Avatar
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    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    The first two are well executed; third is nice too

  8. #8
    Moderator Dave Humphries's Avatar
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    Re: Two on a diagonal and a whole lot on a curve

    Hi Mehere,

    I agree with the consensus that the first isn't the strongest, perhaps less tilt angle?

    Although I found that even a crop of the right hand side so that the closest corner of the building goes in to the lower right corner helps - but I assume you chose to crop it there for a reason.

    #2 is good.

    #3, also agreed the lower half of the convex reflection contains too many distractions, although I can see that it would be very difficult, if not impossible, to avoid them.


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