Very well captured !!!
Nice scene well captured, Rachel. Did you take another shot 10 minutes later when the moon was clear of that building?
Great shot! Very well captured.
I have lots, am sure there will be another one. Will have a look. For whatever reason though I chose this one as my favourite
Edited to add - there are indeed a couple more, I think the reason I chose that one is that it has more of the city in view. Also of course, this one is just at the point where the daylight is disappearing and within about 10-15 mins the sky was dark enough to make the moon too dazzling to be photographed without making the scenery too dark. I had tried the previous night but the moon didn't show over low cloud /sea haze until it was too high. I try to take my moon pictures a day or two before full moon so that the moon rises with enough light still in the sky - or similarly the setting moon a day or two after the full moon.
I'll post a couple of the others later.
Last edited by rachel; 21st February 2018 at 08:46 AM.
Here's one from just two minutes later. I haven't done anything with it yet and the very least it needs is to level the horizon.
Edited to include edited version (levelled, cropped and with contrast tweaked). The original is still here
Last edited by rachel; 26th February 2018 at 09:25 AM.
This is even better because the moon has distinctly come out of buildings....
Thank you - I agree and, as above, I think I chose the other one because it had more skyline in view.
This one looks best to me.
There isn't an actual horizon here so all you can do is to work from the building verticals; which appear to be correct.